Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Suited for Space" Exhibit at Lowell Observatory

Time is running out (Exhibit ends June16th 2013) to see this great display at the Lowell Observatory.  Discover the brilliant ingenuity and remarkable creativity that goes into the ultimate life-support system-the spacesuit. "Suited for Space" is developed by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, and features suits used in testing and training, large-scale photographs, and 10 objects on loan from the National Air and Space Museum.

The exhibition features large-scale photographs of suits worn by astronauts from Project Mercury through the Skylab program as well as suits used in testing and training. The photographs featured in “Suited for Space” were taken by Smithsonian photographer Mark Avino. In addition, Avino, in collaboration with Ronald Cunningham produced new X-ray images that provide a unique view of the interiors of the spacesuits. While the fragility of these spacesuits prevents them from traveling, the exhibition will feature a replica Apollo spacesuit on loan from NASA and 10 objects from the National Air and Space Museum’s collection, including a glove, a boot and helmets. Avino’s photographs provide a visual timeline of the spacesuits’ development over the years.

“Suited for Space” includes suits that made history, like the one Buzz Aldrin wore on the moon, and those that never left the ground such as the Mark V spacesuit designed for Project Mercury. The design of the Mark V suit included an over-sized shoulder joint that provided an expanded level of mobility. However, with three astronauts sitting side-by-side in a capsule the size of the front seat of a small car, the suit was not feasible for the Apollo mission. A visitor to the exhibition can see an exciting visual timeline of the spacesuits’ evolution over the years. In addition, the exhibition has its own Facebook page for space trivia, curatorial insight, and general fun.

Location: 1400 Mars Hill Road Flagstaff, AZ 86001 - 928-233-3260

Hours:  M/W/F/Sa: 9:00am - 9:00pm T/Th/Su: 9:00am-5:00pm


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Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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