Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Personal Umbrella Insurance

You don't have to be a millionaire to be sued like one. Million-dollar judgments against individuals for negligence are still relatively rare. However, receiving a lawsuit with a million-dollar demand is more common. If you receive such a court summons and you have only $100,000 of coverage, you may lose a lot of sleep.

Umbrella policies offer inexpensive "peace of mind" for most types of negligence claims. Automobile accidents are probably the most common source of serious claims. 

The simple fact is that in today's lawsuit-happy culture, the nightmare scenario is a real possibility if you're ever found at fault in a major auto accident or even sued for a serious mishap on your property.

A Personal Umbrella Insurance policy supplements your basic automobile liability with extra million-dollar layers of protection. It also covers other types of catastrophic claims such as a neighbor's child drowning in your pool or the delivery man being seriously injured by falling over your child's toys or slipping on wet porch steps.

Personal liability insurance helps protect your wages, house, investments, cars and boats from being at risk if a serious accident occurs. Talk to Bennett Insurance Group to find out what the best level of coverage is for your unique situation.

There is good news. A personal liability umbrella insurance policy can give one added liability protection without a large added cost. Additional liability insurance is often inexpensive, especially compared to the added coverage one gains. Furthermore, liability insurance covers one’s non-business activities anywhere in the world. Having the added protection of a liability umbrella policy is coverage no one should go without.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

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