Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homeowners Insurance Buying Tips

The news is full of the terrible loss of life, injuries and property damage around the Oklahoma City area on Monday afternoon.  The losses will be in the Billions of dollars.  This type of story reminds us that in a moment your life can change.

While this is still fresh in our minds we ask you to consider using this as a reminder to make sure your insurance coverage is up to date and truly covers what you think and hope it does.  After an incident is not the time to find out your coverage isn't what you thought it was.

Yes, tornados and flood damages are extremely rare in Arizona but they do happen.  While hail damage is also not normally an issue it did happened in parts of the valley in the summer of 2010.

Ask yourself what is covered and for how much money.  If you don’t know the answers it just maybe time to work with your insurance agent and find out.

Did you know that dog bites are the single most common cause of liability claims on a homeowner's policy. The Insurance Information Institute (III) estimates that dog bites account for one-third of all liability claims.  The III says the average dog bite claim totals about $25,000.

If you like trivia questions we have one for you today.  While you are out for a round of golf what insurance coverage protects you in case an errant drive hits another golfer or home?

Do you know if you are covered for termite damage, critters or pesky woodpeckers?  Many times it can be a very big surprise when you find out that what you expect to be covered, only to find it isn’t for some reason.

Consider this advice about homeowners insurance, go into the contract with an understanding that the insurance company is a business partner with very strict rules, and they will do what they are legally obligated to do.  But items and risks that aren't covered are outside of their obligations.  Let Bennett Insurance Group help you understand all of your coverages.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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