Friday, May 31, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance provides financial protection for the directors and officers of your company in the event they are sued in conjunction with the performance of their duties as they relate to the company. Think of Directors and Officers Insurance as a management Errors and Omissions policy.

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance can usually include Employment Practices Liability and sometimes Fiduciary Liability. The former involves harassment and discrimination suits, and is where the majority of your exposure will be.

Directors and Officers Insurance is often confused with Errors and Omissions Liability. The two are not synonymous; Errors and Omissions is concerned with performance failures and negligence with respect to your products and services, not the performance and duties of management. Generally it is a good idea to carry both Directors and Officers Liability Insurance and Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance.

You need Directors and Officers Insurance because claims from stockholders, employees, and clients will be made against the company, and against the directors of the company. Since a director can be held personally responsible for acts of the company, most directors and officers will demand to be protected rather than put their personal assets at stake.

Secondly, you need Directors and Officers Insurance because: Investors and members of your board of directors will not be willing to risk their personal assets to serve as a corporate director or officer, no matter how heartfelt their belief in your company.

Lastly, employment practices suits constitute the single largest area of claim activity under Directors and Officers Liability policies. More than fifty percent of Directors and Officers Liability claims are employment practices related.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Suited for Space" Exhibit at Lowell Observatory

Time is running out (Exhibit ends June16th 2013) to see this great display at the Lowell Observatory.  Discover the brilliant ingenuity and remarkable creativity that goes into the ultimate life-support system-the spacesuit. "Suited for Space" is developed by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, and features suits used in testing and training, large-scale photographs, and 10 objects on loan from the National Air and Space Museum.

The exhibition features large-scale photographs of suits worn by astronauts from Project Mercury through the Skylab program as well as suits used in testing and training. The photographs featured in “Suited for Space” were taken by Smithsonian photographer Mark Avino. In addition, Avino, in collaboration with Ronald Cunningham produced new X-ray images that provide a unique view of the interiors of the spacesuits. While the fragility of these spacesuits prevents them from traveling, the exhibition will feature a replica Apollo spacesuit on loan from NASA and 10 objects from the National Air and Space Museum’s collection, including a glove, a boot and helmets. Avino’s photographs provide a visual timeline of the spacesuits’ development over the years.

“Suited for Space” includes suits that made history, like the one Buzz Aldrin wore on the moon, and those that never left the ground such as the Mark V spacesuit designed for Project Mercury. The design of the Mark V suit included an over-sized shoulder joint that provided an expanded level of mobility. However, with three astronauts sitting side-by-side in a capsule the size of the front seat of a small car, the suit was not feasible for the Apollo mission. A visitor to the exhibition can see an exciting visual timeline of the spacesuits’ evolution over the years. In addition, the exhibition has its own Facebook page for space trivia, curatorial insight, and general fun.

Location: 1400 Mars Hill Road Flagstaff, AZ 86001 - 928-233-3260

Hours:  M/W/F/Sa: 9:00am - 9:00pm T/Th/Su: 9:00am-5:00pm


When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Personal Umbrella Insurance

You don't have to be a millionaire to be sued like one. Million-dollar judgments against individuals for negligence are still relatively rare. However, receiving a lawsuit with a million-dollar demand is more common. If you receive such a court summons and you have only $100,000 of coverage, you may lose a lot of sleep.

Umbrella policies offer inexpensive "peace of mind" for most types of negligence claims. Automobile accidents are probably the most common source of serious claims. 

The simple fact is that in today's lawsuit-happy culture, the nightmare scenario is a real possibility if you're ever found at fault in a major auto accident or even sued for a serious mishap on your property.

A Personal Umbrella Insurance policy supplements your basic automobile liability with extra million-dollar layers of protection. It also covers other types of catastrophic claims such as a neighbor's child drowning in your pool or the delivery man being seriously injured by falling over your child's toys or slipping on wet porch steps.

Personal liability insurance helps protect your wages, house, investments, cars and boats from being at risk if a serious accident occurs. Talk to Bennett Insurance Group to find out what the best level of coverage is for your unique situation.

There is good news. A personal liability umbrella insurance policy can give one added liability protection without a large added cost. Additional liability insurance is often inexpensive, especially compared to the added coverage one gains. Furthermore, liability insurance covers one’s non-business activities anywhere in the world. Having the added protection of a liability umbrella policy is coverage no one should go without.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Those Who Gave Their All

The history of Memorial Day, a United States federal holiday, which occurs every year on the final Monday of May started as Decoration Day. 

Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.

Many people visit cemeteries and memorials, particularly to honor those who have died in military service. Many volunteers place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries.

Annual Decoration Days for particular cemeteries are held on a Sunday in late spring or early summer in some rural areas of the American South, notably in the mountains. In cases involving a family graveyard where remote ancestors as well as those who were deceased more recently are buried, this may take on the character of an extended family reunion to which some people travel hundreds of miles. People gather on the designated day and put flowers on graves and renew contacts with kinfolk and others. 

There often is a religious service and a "dinner on the ground," the traditional term for a potluck meal in which people used to spread the dishes out on sheets or tablecloths on the grass. It is believed that this practice began before the American Civil War and thus may reflect the real origin of the "memorial day" idea.

Memorial Day should not be confused with Veterans Day; Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving, while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, May 24, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Consider Business Interruption Insurance

With the recent tornadoes in the Oklahoma City area it seems like a good time to remind you that Business Interruption Insurance can be a vital part of your insurance package.

You need to be ready when a disaster strikes your business. It could be a storm, fire or other unforeseen event you need to have coverage that does more than just replace your inventory and property.  You need to protect your real cash flow.

If your business suffers a property loss it could cause the business to slow or close down while repairs are made. This may mean a complete or partial revenue loss depending on the time frame and the damage. From the time the loss occurs until your business is running again, insurance can replace your lost profits, and provide a source of money to pay your necessary continuing expenses, like rent, payroll, taxes, etc.

Business interruption insurance covers the loss of income that a business suffers after a disaster while its facility is either closed because of the disaster or in the process of being rebuilt after it. Your property insurance policy only covers the physical damage to the business, while the additional coverage allotted by the business interruption policy covers the cash-flow that would have been earned. This extra policy provision is applicable to all types of businesses, as it is designed to put a business in the same financial position it would have been in if no damage had occurred.

This type of coverage is not sold as a stand-alone policy, but can be added on to the business' property insurance policy or comprehensive package policy. Since business interruption is included as part of the business' primary policy, it only pays out if the cause of the loss is covered by the overarching policy.

The following are typically covered under a business interruption insurance policy:

Fixed Costs: Operating expenses and other costs still being incurred by the property (based on historical costs);

Temporary Location: Special policies may cover the extra expenses for moving to, and operating from, a temporary location;

Profits: Profits that would have been earned (based on prior months' financial statements);

Extra Expenses: Reimbursement for reasonable expenses (beyond the fixed costs) that allow the business to continue operation while the property is being repaired.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Wet ~n~ Wild

Looking for a great place to cool off this coming weekend?

Wet'n'Wild Phoenix is a water park located in Phoenix, Arizona. It opened its doors to the public July 1, 2009. Village Roadshow Limited has invested over $30 million in the park, which has over 30 rides on approximately 35 acres of land. This makes it the largest theme park in the state. It is located in North Phoenix at Adobe Dam Regional Park.It has a three phase expansion, phase one was completed this summer and after all three phases the water park will become the biggest in Arizona.

Rides & Attractions

The world's first enclosed flume slide with three spiral corkscrew turns. Riders speed down the enclosed flume slide into a series of corkscrew turns, snaking back and forth in the series of spirals, slithering down its insides on multi-person rafts. Coming out of the corkscrews, riders shoot out into a drenching splashdown finally. The Constrictor slide features the tightest turns of any other waterslide giving riders an experience unlike any other in the world.

Maximum Velocity
The world's first dueling water coaster. This unique coaster allows guests to race in tandem tubes down two side-by-side slide tracks. The gravity-defying water coasters blast riders uphill on jetted water and over 830 feet of hair raising drops and breathtaking curves.

Monsoon Bay
Phoenix Flyers
Desert Racers
Cactus Cooler
Serpentine Complex
Raging River
Mammoth Falls
Soak 'em Playground
Boogie Board Beach
Wet'n'Wild Jr

Location: 4243 W. Pinnacle Peak Road Glendale, Arizona 85310-4002  623-201-2000

Hours:  Friday 10am to 6pm – Saturday & Sunday  10am to 10pm


When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homeowners Insurance Buying Tips

The news is full of the terrible loss of life, injuries and property damage around the Oklahoma City area on Monday afternoon.  The losses will be in the Billions of dollars.  This type of story reminds us that in a moment your life can change.

While this is still fresh in our minds we ask you to consider using this as a reminder to make sure your insurance coverage is up to date and truly covers what you think and hope it does.  After an incident is not the time to find out your coverage isn't what you thought it was.

Yes, tornados and flood damages are extremely rare in Arizona but they do happen.  While hail damage is also not normally an issue it did happened in parts of the valley in the summer of 2010.

Ask yourself what is covered and for how much money.  If you don’t know the answers it just maybe time to work with your insurance agent and find out.

Did you know that dog bites are the single most common cause of liability claims on a homeowner's policy. The Insurance Information Institute (III) estimates that dog bites account for one-third of all liability claims.  The III says the average dog bite claim totals about $25,000.

If you like trivia questions we have one for you today.  While you are out for a round of golf what insurance coverage protects you in case an errant drive hits another golfer or home?

Do you know if you are covered for termite damage, critters or pesky woodpeckers?  Many times it can be a very big surprise when you find out that what you expect to be covered, only to find it isn’t for some reason.

Consider this advice about homeowners insurance, go into the contract with an understanding that the insurance company is a business partner with very strict rules, and they will do what they are legally obligated to do.  But items and risks that aren't covered are outside of their obligations.  Let Bennett Insurance Group help you understand all of your coverages.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, May 20, 2013

Improvements In Income Annuities

Is it time for you to consider using Income Annuities in your retirement mix?  Many companies today are improving their options to make them more attractive to you.

A recent joint LIMRA/CANNEX study finds that a majority of the companies offering income annuities have added features designed to address consumer concerns and attract new sales.

Income annuities provide a guaranteed stream of income for as long as the owner or annuitant lives and can ensure that this income covers both lives of a couple. The study, Features in Income Annuities, surveyed 39 insurance companies that offer income annuities representing 84 percent of the 2012 industry sales.

Many income annuities now include features that offer retirees increased access to cash or liquidity in case of an unforeseen need. Other features include death benefits to address the event of a premature death and flexible income options to keep up with inflation. All these features are designed to make income annuities an appealing part of anyone’s portfolio.

In the past, one objection of advisors to recommending income annuities for their clients was loss of liquidity. However, the majority of immediate annuities— including 9 of the top 10 companies— now offer access to cash outside of their scheduled payments in case of emergency or other needs. Liquidity may come in several forms: access to the guaranteed payments, access to the life contingent payments or an acceleration of several months of scheduled payments in advance.

Assurance of receiving death benefits can offer owners and their beneficiaries peace-of-mind and confidence during the purchase process. All carriers surveyed offer the simplest form of death benefit, where if the annuitant dies, payments will continue to their estate for a specified number of years and most provide the option to guarantee that the client never loses money by continuing guaranteed payments until the sum received equals the initial amount invested. Most of the companies in the survey (31 out of 39) offer at least one death benefit that provides additional money upon the annuitant’s death as a payout option.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, May 17, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, May 16, 2013

IRS Eases Deadline for Business Provided Health Insurance

Employers who are struggling to meet the federal deadline to add health insurance coverage for employees’ children starting next year, as required by the Affordable Care Act, would have more time to add the coverage without being fined under proposed rules being considered by the IRS.

The act requires employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees in 2013 to offer health insurance to employees and employees’ children starting in 2014. Employers with less than 50 employees are exempt from those rules.

In the recent proposed rules, the IRS acknowledged that a number of employers offer coverage only to their employees and not to employees’ dependents, which the act defines only as children, not spouses.

For these employers, expanding their health plans to add dependent coverage will require substantial revisions to their plans and to their procedures for administration of the plans, according to the IRS proposed rules. To provide employers sufficient time to implement these changes, it is appropriate to provide transition relief with respect to dependent coverage for plan years that begin in 2014.

Any employer “that takes steps” in the health plan year beginning in 2014 to satisfy the requirement that employers offer coverage to employees’ children will not be fined based solely on failure to offer coverage to employees’ children in the 2014 plan year, the proposed rules said.

An employer could still be fined for not offering health insurance at all next year, or offering a plan that is unaffordable (more than 9.5 percent of the employee’s wages from the employer as reported in box 1 of the W-2 form, according to the proposed rules.)

Final regulations will be issued later after all of the information from the public comment period and public hearing is reviewed.

Business taxpayers can rely on the proposed regulations to comply with the rules outlining employer penalties.

If the final regulations are more restrictive than the guidance in the proposed regulations, the final regulations will be applied prospectively, and employers will be given sufficient time to come into compliance with the final regulations.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your life, home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Castles ~n~ Coasters

Looking for a great place to visit this coming weekend?  A one place entertains all location.  A place where the whole family can have fun.

Whether you're young or old, big or small, you'll find lots of fun, food and excitement at Arizona's Finest Family Fun and Thrill Park.

From the thrilling sky high roller coasters and exciting Sky Diver, to the exotic world class miniature golf courses and enchantment of an old fashioned carousel, there's magic and new adventures waiting for you and your family at Castles ~n~ Coasters.

Sky Diver
This thrill ride takes you to extreme heights, then without warning, drops you 120 feet back to earth at record speed. If extreme excitement is what you are looking for, then Sky Diver is the ride for you.

Desert Storm Roller coaster
It’s an ominous storm, and the most exciting roller coaster Arizona’s “Valley of the Sun” has ever seen.  Pulsating power carries you endlessly upward, suddenly, you feel yourself plummeting down, down, then into a turbulent series of loops, twists and vortexes. It’s the ride of your life and you’re hanging on for dear life.

Splash Down Water Ride
At Castles ~n~ Coasters, our coolest ride is our wettest ride.  Head off to visit the enchanting logging town of Splashdown Falls in our log ride, but your log takes a wrong turn and suddenly you’re facing the adventure of a lifetime as you crash down waterfalls, startle a family of elephants, then detour through a ship wreck.

Bumper Boats
You are the captain of your own boat, testing your boating skills as you bump, splash and dodge oncoming boats in our exciting Bumper Boat Lagoon.

Mini Golf
Castles ~n~ Coasters boasts four 18-hole world-class miniature golf courses, where you’ll play your way through lush landscapes, fountains, and world-famous landmarks.

Location: 9445 North Metro Parkway East  Phoenix, AZ 85051  602.997.7575

Hours: Saturday 10am to Midnight  Sunday 10am to 10pm


When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Can A Health Care Advisor Help You Navigate

Looking for someone to help you navigate through health care advice?  You might just find that a health care advisor is just what you are looking for.

Health care advisors are charged with advising customers with health care needs. Whether the health care advisor can answer the question or suggests a resource for the customer to contact, he of she provides calm, comforting advice to those who call or e-mail. These advisors typically act as role models and use a customer-led approach in their exchanges.

A primary responsibility of a health care advisor is customer service. Professionalism and compassion are necessary for success in the field. The goal is to leave customers with the feeling they called the right place for help. In addition, the customer should feel comfortable contacting the health care advisor the next time a problem or concern arises. Customer service skills will promote goodwill and help ensure that customers return.

Maintaining knowledge of all available services and products is also the job of a health care advisor. Those who work for a company will understand how to advise customers with regard to the products it sells. If a customer calls and says that he has a rash on his hand with no other symptoms, for instance, the health care advisor may recommend the company's anti-itch cream, with advice to see a health care provider if the cream does not work or symptoms worsen.

Advisors working at places like hospitals are typically licensed nurses. Regional laws may require anyone working as a health care advisor to hold a health care license. In such settings, health care advisors may be required to keep client records. Tracking customer health care concerns and the advice given may also be part of what a health care advisor is expected to do.

A solid working relationship with clients and health care providers is an essential duty in this position. The advisor will refer customers to health care providers, pharmacists, and others who provide medical care. If a customer calls who has had hand surgery, completed physical therapy, and is now ready for occupational help, for instance, the advisor may recommend several occupational therapists in the customer's area. Phone numbers, addresses, and office hours for each recommendation are also provided to make it easier for the customer to make the contact.

Confidentiality is an important component of a health care advisor's career. He or she will know details of a customer's symptoms, medical history, and concerns. Advisors use this information to provide the best advice possible when the customer contacts them.

A nursing degree or certificate is recommended for an advisor career. In addition, several years' experience working in the health care field provides the foundation for getting the job. Whether selling products or advising patients, it is important to be a good listener and communicator.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, May 13, 2013

Do Good Deeds Put You At Risk?

Many non-profits are helping population groups that really need our help.  We all feel good when we can help out. But, did you know that that help can put you at risk and your insurance may not cover your exposure.  Changes that you make or additional duties that you take on may not be covered based on how you answered questions or how purchased your automotive insurance.

In our very litigious age our good deeds and our insurance coverage doesn't always allow for such unfettered kindness.

What if the car in front of you stops short and you crash, injuring a passenger? What if more than one of your charges is hurt? What if an elderly client slips as you are helping her out of the car?

These days, you have to ask about the bad stuff before stepping in to do the good. Failing to do so can have consequences, especially if you don't have the right insurance.

In an effort to promote social-service participation, the U.S. Congress in 1997 passed the Volunteer Protection Act, which protects volunteers of official nonprofits from civil liability. However, the protection only applies if the volunteer:

Acted within the guidelines of his or her job description.
• Had the proper license or certificate, if applicable, for the job.
• Was not negligent. Negligence is broadly defined as the failure to exercise reasonable care. For example, someone breaking a law or under the influence of drugs or alcohol wouldn't be covered.
• Was not operating a vehicle at the time.

While federal and state laws offer some protection in the event of a lawsuit, they do not prevent an individual from being sued in the first place. And of course, you don't have to be negligent to be accused of wrongdoing.

Many nonprofits do not have insurance that protects its volunteers. Some expressly ask volunteers to sign away the nonprofit's liability in such cases, or in any situation where the volunteer is hurt while on the job. The courts generally don't uphold such waivers, says Henry. But a volunteer still might have to hire a lawyer.

If you're committed to helping an organization that does not extend coverage to its volunteers, Bennett Insurance Group suggests buying a personal umbrella insurance policy for yourself.

before you take on a volunteer driving assignment, make sure you have enough liability coverage to pay for any injuries you may cause.  The insurance company won't give you a break simply because you were driving for Meals on Wheels or other non-profit groups.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, May 10, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thoughts About Mother’s Day

Most mothers are instinctive philosophers. 
~ Harriet Beecher Stowe

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May. It complements Father's Day, a similar celebration honoring fathers.

The celebration of Mother's Day began in the United States in the early 20th century; it is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration.  Despite this, in some countries Mother's Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.

The modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in Grafton, West Virginia. She then began a campaign to make "Mother's Day" a recognized holiday in the United States. Although she was successful in 1914, she was already disappointed with its commercialization by the 1920s. Jarvis' holiday was adopted by other countries and it is now celebrated all over the world. In this tradition, each person offers a gift, card, or remembrance toward their mothers, grandmothers, and a maternal figure on mother's day.

Various observances honoring mothers existed in America during the 1870s and the 1880s, but these never had resonance beyond the local level. Jarvis never mentioned Julia Ward Howe's attempts in the 1870s to establish a "Mother's Day for Peace", nor any connection to the Protestant school celebrations that included "Children's Day" amongst others. Neither did she mention the traditional festival of Mothering Sunday, but always said that the creation was hers alone. 

Mother's Day is one of the biggest days for sales of flowers, greeting cards, and the like; Mother's Day is also the biggest holiday for long-distance telephone calls. Moreover, churchgoing is also popular on Mother's Day, yielding the highest church attendance after Christmas Eve and Easter. Many worshipers celebrate the day with carnations, colored if the mother is living and white if she has passed.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your family, home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group. Inc.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Arizona Rodeos

Arizona’s Old West is the real deal and still an important part of the lifestyle here.

You can experience the culture and entertainment of the range and the ranch at events throughout the year, but here are a handful of winter Western celebrations – held during the time of year when sunshine and mellow temperatures beckon you to spend time outdoors.

National Senior Pro Rodeo Association, Wickenburg
Seasoned rodeo competitors don’t ride into the sunset, they join the National Senior Pro Rodeo Association circuit for cowhands aged 40 and older. Expect familiar events like barrel racing, roping and bull and bronc riding. Less known are co-ed ribbon roping and lady breakaway roping. The early February event is part of Wickenburg’s annual Gold Rush Days.

Arizona Black Rodeo, Chandler
This all-African American event features national cowboys and cowgirls competing in bull dogging, calf roping, bull riding and barrel racing. The unusual ladies steer-undecorating competition involves a woman rider chasing down a steer to pull a flag off its back. The rodeo takes place at Rawhide, a Western theme park, in early March.

Parada del Sol Rodeo, Scottsdale
Competitors saddle up in early March for the last of the big-time rodeos in the Phoenix area. Although it features a number of events, the PRCA-sanctioned rodeo emphasizes the adrenaline rush of bull riding. The festivities kick off a full month ahead of the big event with a parade and huge block party in early February.

High Noon Western Americana Auction and Antique Show, Mesa
Mosey on down to this late-January event that attracts more than 150 dealers and more than 300 lots of valuable collectibles.

Cowgirl Up! Art from the Other Half of the West Invitational Exhibition & Sale, Wickenburg
Take the opportunity to view – and purchase – paintings, drawings and sculpture from celebrated women Western artists at this annual March event at Desert Caballeros Western Museum.

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Homeowner Insurance Basics

Know Your Home's Value
Before you choose a policy, it is essential to establish your home's replacement cost. A local builder can provide the best estimate.

Insurers Differ
As with anything else you buy, what seems to be the same product can be priced differently by different companies. You can save money by comparison shopping.

Don't Just Look At Price
A low price is no bargain if an insurer takes forever to service your claim. Research the insurer's record for claims service, as well as its financial stability.

Go Beyond The Basics
A basic homeowners policy may not promise to entirely replace your home.  Your security and fire safety products may reduce your insurance cost.

Stipulate Discounts 
Insurers provide discounts to reward behavior that reduces risk.  Your agent should help you get the best prices.  Americans waste money every year because they forget to ask for them!

Your lifestyle can affect your homeowners insurance pricing.  Pets, recreation and coverages affect your price.

At claims time, your insurer isn't necessarily on your side.
Your idea of fair compensation may not match that of your insurer. Your insurer's job is to restore you financially. Your job is to prove your losses so you get what you need.

Prepare Before You Have To File A Claim
Keep your policy updated, and reread it before you file a claim so there are no surprises.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Pick a Great Family Insurance Agent

Like choosing a good school for your children or a family doctor choosing the right insurance agent is a very important decision.  You'll need to choose a good family insurance agent, one who'll look out after you and your family's needs.

There are two types of insurance agents.

Direct Writers - Those agents who are employees of an insurance company. Direct Writers represent only the products and services that their insurance company has to offer.

Independent Insurance Agents - Agents who generally work for an independent insurance agency. Independent insurance agencies represent more than one company. They are typically able to provide you with more product and coverage options that direct writers.  While these two types of agents are certainly different each has their advantage. I've found that many clients truly enjoy the options that come with the independent agent while others prefer the big company branding that seems to come along with the direct writers.

A good insurance agent will help you establish adequate liability limits, properly evaluate replacement cost of your home and contents, advise you on deductible options, life insurance limits, retirement planning and many more specific insurable situations with the sole purpose of providing you with adequate asset protection.

Well.....believe it or not, there are insurance agents who are not honest! Fortunately, dishonest agents are very few and far between.

Just how can you tell who's honest or not. Think about people you meet on the street. Can you tell if the man in the blue suit carrying the briefcase is honest or how about that lady in the green hat?  Agents who are in business fro years means an agent you can trust.

Customer Service
Look for an agent who will service your account.  So many times you'll secure an insurance policy from an agent only to have all the service work done by someone else in the agency. When it seems like every time you call to have your policy modified and you find you're being passed off to someone else, someone who you've never met, then I'd start looking for another agent! It's true, in some agencies, after the original sale, you may never talk with your agent again! Well.....unless you need to purchase another policy! 

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Who You Gonna Call? Bennett Insurance Group

Yes, I know we stole that from the rather famous Ghostbusters movie theme song.  But, it is a fair question.  When you need advice on insurance related matters, for yourself, home, automobile, business or family member… who are you going to call?

Yes, we know there are tons of web pages that you can read… are they all reliable?  Yes, you can ask family or friends for advice… but exactly how knowledgeable are they when it comes to insurance solutions?

Like most things in today’s world your insurance needs and solutions are constantly changing.  So can we ask again… Who are you going to call for experienced and up-to-date insurance advice?  Who will take the time to get to know you, your business and your family.  Your special insurance needs are unique to you and you need advice based on those needs, today and tomorrow.

Do you want to trust your future to a flashy new television advertisement?  Your financial security is directly tied to your insurance coverages.  Understanding your needs and acting on them correctly can mean the different between a bump in the road and a real tragedy. 

Do you want insurance advice?  What kind of insurance advice do you want?  Would you break that need into good advice, better advice and best insurance advice?  Would you consider taking good insurance advice or would you prefer great insurance advice?

Where you get that insurance advice and from whom will be the key to how well your insurance fits your life and your unique needs.

Do you think that insurance should be sold as one size fits all?  We don’t!  How does your insurance measure up?

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Riparian Preserve At Water Ranch

Copyright Richard Ditch
The Preserve is designed for community use and enjoyment.  Their trails connect to the Gilbert Trail System, and are accessible from various gated points of entry on all sides.  Horses are allowed on equestrian portion of these trails, bikes are allowed on trails and sidewalks, and leashed, well-managed dogs can accompany walkers in all pedestrian areas.

They offer ramadas, gathering areas, a dinosaur dig site, and campsites, but these are often also used for Riparian Institute programming, so to ensure availability, please reserve in advance.

Thye are a wildlife preserve and cannot allow large group visitation without prior authorization.  For groups of 30 or more, please complete the large group visitation application. This also applies to organized groups, such as school programs, of greater than 30 directed to visit the Preserve on their own schedule, but during a specified range of dates.

Facility Fees

Ramada rental: $20.00 per hour for Gilbert residents, $30.00 per hour for non-residents

Campsite fees: Smaller - $30.00 per night and Larger - $40 per night

Dinosaur Dig Reservation (afternoons and weekends only): $15.00 per hour for site reservation.  Additional $45 per hour for a staff facilitated dig experience. 

Full common area can be reserved, which includes both ramadas, playground, grassy turf, and dino dig site, at a rate of $50 per hour for residents, $75 per hour for non-residents. 

For organized groups of 70 or more, the full common area must be reserved at the above rate, 
and must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance.

Location: 2757 E. Guadalupe Road Gilbert, Arizona - 480-503-6200


When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group