Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bennett Insurance Group: Have A Safe Halloween

Many people talk about tainted candy as the main worry on Halloween.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The greatest danger that children and adults both face on Halloween is car and pedestrian accidents.

On Halloween, out trick or treating a child is far more likely to be hit by a car than all other incidents combined.

As you get ready yourself or your children for the big Halloween night out on the town, remember to start early, in case your little ones get tuckered out rather quickly. And get ready to teach them a few tricks, that will keep them safe in any crowd.

A proper fitting, safe costume is the first and best safety measure.  The vision in any direction should never be obstructed.  The length of the costume must never allow for a tripping hazard.  Short sleeves are better than long and flowing fabric that could be come caught on something.  No part of the costume, make-up or hair should be flammable.

Teaching the rules of the road is crucial on Halloween night, especially when your children are up and running with excitement to get to their next stop. Make it a game. Play Red Light/Green Light. Not only will it be fun for them, but they’ll quickly learn to stop in their tracks, before approaching any roads and/or intersections.  Remember that jaywalking is never a good idea.

Safety always comes in numbers. Make sure that more that one parent (or relative), comes along to lend a helping, or holding hand. Teach your children to stay in their group at all times, and instead of insisting that they don’t wander off by themselves or too far ahead, try saying, “Please don’t let me get lost.” Nine times out of ten, this approach will provide incentive for your charges to stay close and to protect not only themselves, but mommy and daddy too.

On Halloween, there are many four-legged creatures roaming the streets, ready to howl at the moon. Unfortunately, they are not always as friendly, as they look. So, whenever you see someone walking with a pet of any kind; make sure your kids understand that they should not approach or pet any unfamiliar animals.  Always speak with the owner to make sure your child can interact with their animal.

Being with a responsible adult is always the very best child safety measure.

For adults and adult Halloween parties the most important factor is the designated driver or “Take A Taxi Home Rules.”

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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