Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Arizona Museum of Natural History

The Arizona Museum of Natural History is renowned for its field research programs and provides the public with opportunities to work on archaeological and paleontological digs. Come join us on one of our exciting scientific expeditions and contribute to these fascinating fields of science.

The Southwest Archaeology Team (SWAT), sponsored by Curator of Anthropology Dr. Jerry Howard, conducts archaeological research and undertakes historic preservation initiatives such as at the Sirrine House. In addition to excavations such as at Riverview, Park of the Canals, Pew Site and Rowley Site, AzMNH cares for and has plans to develop Mesa Grande, an ancient Hohokam temple mound site in Mesa, as a cultural park open to the public.

Dr. Robert McCord, Curator of Natural History, assisted by the Southwest Paleontology Society (SPS), conducts paleontological research throughout Arizona. Research expeditions have explored the Cretaceous in southeastern Arizona and Sonora, and Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits in the Phoenix area and eastern portions of the state. These expeditions have yielded theropod and sauropod dinosaurs, ceratopsians, hadrosaurs and many other kinds of Mesozoic animals, and glyptotheres, rhyncotheres, camels, horses, mammoth, turtles and other members of the later Cenozoic faunas.

What are the collections and where does the museum get them?

The museum holds substantial collections in natural history, anthropology, history and art. The museum obtains most of its paleontological and archaeological collections from the museum’s field research programs. AzMNH receives many collections items from generous donors.

Explore Arizona and the Southwest from the creation of the earth 4.5 billion years ago to the present. See the origins of life on earth, meteorites and minerals. In Dinosaur Hall, discover some of the biggest dinosaurs that ever lived, and on Dinosaur Mountain see how some appeared and sounded in a natural context. In a Walk through Time, explore ancient Arizona’s Paleozoic Seas, Triassic Petrified Forest, monsters of the Cretaceous Seas, and the first animals to fly.

In the Southwest Gallery, you will see Paleoindian big game hunters and gatherers, the first inhabitants of North America, and the Desert Cultures that developed later. Visit a Hohokam village, with pithouses and above-ground structures, outfitted with real artifacts as they might have been from about A.D. 600-1450. See the magnificent Ancient Cultures of Mexico.

Have Fun with History, and explore the Spanish Southwest, Territorial Arizona, and Arizona’s historic 5 Cs in the History Courtyard. Discover many of the movies that have been filmed in Arizona, and be in a western movie yourself!

Location: 53 N. Macdonald Mesa, AZ 85201 Phone: 480-644-2230 Website:

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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