Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Do You Need Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance is insurance that is intended to cover medical expenses, financial default of travel suppliers, and other losses incurred while traveling, either within one's own country, or internationally. Temporary travel insurance can usually be arranged at the time of the booking of a trip to cover exactly the duration of that trip, or a "multi-trip" policy can cover an unlimited number of trips within a set time frame. Coverage varies, and can be purchased to include higher risk items such as "winter sports".

When you travel outside the United States you may need to supplement your Health Insurance as well as protecting yourself from unexpected travel interruptions.  When you are traveling and your trip is interrupted by weather, airline problems, political unrest, cancellations or many other types of problems you could be stranded and face unexpected expenses.

Is your travel agent the best place to get insured?

When you travel abroad, one of the most important financial considerations is how to protect you and your family's health. Without proper coverage, an illness or injury abroad can turn into a financial disaster. Whether you are a corporate traveler, an international student studying abroad, a family on vacation or reunion, or an individual traveling abroad for work, pleasure, or education, don't let your trip be ruined by an accident or unexpected medical emergency.

Traditional sources of U.S. private health insurance will not meet your needs. Geographical exclusions and provider limitations common to these policies will restrict or even eliminate the coverage available to you while you are outside the U.S. At the same time, you may not be eligible for participation in the government-sponsored plans in the country where you reside.

You want to understand how the insurance expects you to participate.  Will you have to pay upfront for the expenses and have to wait for reimbursement?  Will they help you make needed emergency travel arrangements?

Most importantly you want to have a clear understanding of what your travel insurance covers and critically what it does not cover.  Consider what your travel plans include.  If you plan on a trip where you will rent motorbikes to experience the countryside, are you covered if you are in an road accident?

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group


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