Thursday, June 6, 2013

Homeowners Insurance For The Modern World

When shopping around for a new homeowners insurance package, your first step should be to check with your existing insurance company. Subscribing to multiple policies will save you money. Companies want to have as much business as possible and will reward you covering many areas of your life style.  Think auto, home, life and more.

When shopping for insurance, it can be beneficial to try to obtain all of your insurance needs, such as auto and home, as one package. You can save more money on your premiums by having a single agent for every policy. A number of large insurance carriers give out discounted rates due to bundling.

Long gone are the days when a color TV was the cutting edge of technology, so you need to make sure the insurance coverage you carry on all your electronics is completely up to date.

While your homeowners insurance policy should cover electronics, it might have a set limit for your electronics or they can be lumped in with your appliances, which wouldn't come close to covering your audio devices, computers, smartphones and HDTVs.

You can purchase extra coverage with an endorsement on your homeowners insurance policy that is based on the electronic items' appraised value. Or you can buy separate insurance through a company that specializes in covering electronics.

Consider the coverage of hobby and craft items that you have acquired over the years.  How much is in your garage or craft room.  Make sure those items are fully covered.  In some communities the second car in the garage is a golf-cart and it may be more than the garden variety.  It isn’t on your auto policy, so is it covered by your homeowners insurance policy?

Look over your coverage on a yearly basis and ensure that it is still the best suitable option for your current situation. Perhaps you might want to drop collision insurance on an older vehicle, or save money by increasing the deductible on your homeowners insurance. You may also need to adjust your policy if there has been a change in financial needs or family size.

Always try to take advantage of any discounts your company may offer.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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