Thursday, June 20, 2013

Are You RVing This Summer?

If you are new to RV's, we recommend getting good background, which helps you through the learning and decision steps for determining which RV is right for you.

The major RV lifestyles are the following:
• Camper or Weekender: Those who take very short trips in their RV, typically over a weekend up to about a week.

• Vacationer: Longer trips lasting up to several weeks.

• Snowbird: Takes the RV to warmer climates for an entire season and returns home in the summer.

• Fulltimer: Those who live in the RV as their only place of residence.

At the very minimum, an RV provides temporary living accommodations consisting of a bed, food storage, food preparation, and dining area. On very small trailers or tent campers, cooking and dining facilities may be accessible only from the outside.

For online information there the two common online discussion group types, forums and public newsgroups. Forums are usually hosted by a company or organization, and they set the membership requirements. Public newsgroups are open to the general public. Both are good sources of information, though we prefer the public newsgroups because they tend to be more active.

Check out;
GoodSam Club
Fun Roads

Online discussion groups are public, and can be seen by anyone in the world. Post only the information that you don't mind everyone knowing. Never post information such as passwords, user names, social security numbers, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information. For you and your family's safety, be cautious about specific information you provide. Depending on the context, you may not want to post information such as your full name, family member names, exact physical address or location, license plate numbers, etc. Use a throw-away email address when posting to public groups. Free email accounts are available from and 

As much as you expend efforts to purchase your dream motor home, it is important to select appropriate motor home insurance policy. Legally speaking, you are required to have a certain minimum amount of coverage when you have your motor home registered. However, there are many insurance policies to ensure that your motor home obtains maximum coverage and protection. It is important to choose a policy that incorporates the recreational value of your motor home and does not treat it as another automobile.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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