Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bennett Insurance Group: Have A Safe Halloween

Many people talk about tainted candy as the main worry on Halloween.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The greatest danger that children and adults both face on Halloween is car and pedestrian accidents.

On Halloween, out trick or treating a child is far more likely to be hit by a car than all other incidents combined.

As you get ready yourself or your children for the big Halloween night out on the town, remember to start early, in case your little ones get tuckered out rather quickly. And get ready to teach them a few tricks, that will keep them safe in any crowd.

A proper fitting, safe costume is the first and best safety measure.  The vision in any direction should never be obstructed.  The length of the costume must never allow for a tripping hazard.  Short sleeves are better than long and flowing fabric that could be come caught on something.  No part of the costume, make-up or hair should be flammable.

Teaching the rules of the road is crucial on Halloween night, especially when your children are up and running with excitement to get to their next stop. Make it a game. Play Red Light/Green Light. Not only will it be fun for them, but they’ll quickly learn to stop in their tracks, before approaching any roads and/or intersections.  Remember that jaywalking is never a good idea.

Safety always comes in numbers. Make sure that more that one parent (or relative), comes along to lend a helping, or holding hand. Teach your children to stay in their group at all times, and instead of insisting that they don’t wander off by themselves or too far ahead, try saying, “Please don’t let me get lost.” Nine times out of ten, this approach will provide incentive for your charges to stay close and to protect not only themselves, but mommy and daddy too.

On Halloween, there are many four-legged creatures roaming the streets, ready to howl at the moon. Unfortunately, they are not always as friendly, as they look. So, whenever you see someone walking with a pet of any kind; make sure your kids understand that they should not approach or pet any unfamiliar animals.  Always speak with the owner to make sure your child can interact with their animal.

Being with a responsible adult is always the very best child safety measure.

For adults and adult Halloween parties the most important factor is the designated driver or “Take A Taxi Home Rules.”

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Preparing For Natural Disasters

Of course, today our thoughts and prayers are with the millions of folks that have been affected by Hurricane Sandy.  With the affects being felt virtually world wide with the disruption of travel, commerce and those that are in the direct path of the storm’s effects, now is a good time to consider how prepared you are for natural disasters.

Before a natural disaster is the time think, plan and act to prepare you and your family in the case of one these events.

Natural disasters such as flooding, fire, earthquake, tornado and windstorm affect thousands of people every year.  You should know what your risks are and prepare to protect yourself, your family and community.

Recognizing an impending hazard and knowing what to do to protect yourself and your family will help you take effective steps to prepare beforehand and aid recovery after the event.

Some of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected, such as assembling a supply kit and developing a family emergency plan, are the same for all types of hazards. However each emergency is unique and knowing the actions to take for each threat will impact the specific decisions and preparations you make. By learning about these specific threats, you are preparing yourself to react in an emergency.

In some cases the planning you do will need to include the consideration that the communications, news and basic information we have come to take for granted will be down during all or most of that disaster.

Keep in mind that the most necessary and basic of needs is a supply of safe fresh water.  That is also an easy commodity to store on hand if you take being prepared seriously. This can be done in your business, home and car.  Canned foods, and flashlights with fresh batteries are the next items that are a must for your supply kit.

The government has a great website that covers information that will make your planning much easier.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, October 29, 2012

Group Vision Insurance

A Group Vision plan is especially attractive for employers because it is inexpensive to offer, yet it's another employee favorite. This is a separate plan that provides coverage for eye exams and/or for frames, lenses and contact lenses.

Offering a comprehensive vision plan is a great way to keep your employees happy and protect their eyesight for years to come. There are many options for small business owners to offer and get coverage through a quality vision insurance policy.

Bennett Insurance Group can help you understand and compare the different vision plans, and determine which vision insurance benefits package is best for your group’s needs. Even better, we’ll make sure we find the most affordable coverage options available to you to ensure that everyone saves the most money possible on their annual vision care.

Like most insurance, vision plans vary in what they offer, and the more you pay, the more benefits you get.  However, there are some key services that most basic plans will offer, and a typical small business does not have extra cash to burn on a big, extravagant plan in any case.

Many times the basic health plan may provide for routine eye examinations.  However, it will usually not provide any benefit for frames, lenses or contact lenses; this is where a separate group vision benefit would be used.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, October 26, 2012

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies? Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Business Interruption Insurance

If your business suffers a property loss it could cause the business to slow or close down while repairs are made. This may mean a complete or partial revenue loss depending on the time frame and the damage. From the time the loss occurs until your business is running again, insurance can replace your lost profits, and provide a source of money to pay your necessary continuing expenses, like rent, payroll, taxes, etc.

Business interruption insurance (also known as business income insurance) covers the loss of income that a business suffers after a disaster while its facility is being rebuilt. A property insurance policy only covers the physical damage to the business, while the additional coverage allotted by the business interruption policy covers the profits that would have been earned. This extra policy provision is applicable to all types of businesses, as it is designed to put a business in the same financial position it would have been in if no loss had occurred.

This type of coverage is not sold as a stand-alone policy, but can be added on to the business' property insurance policy or comprehensive package policy. Since business interruption is included as part of the business' primary policy, it only pays out if the cause of the loss is covered by the overarching policy.

The following are typically covered under a business interruption insurance policy:

Profits - Profits that would have been earned (based on prior months' financial statements);

Fixed Costs - Operating expenses and other costs still being incurred by the property (based on historical costs);

Temporary Location - Some policies cover the extra expenses for moving to, and operating from, a temporary location;

Extra Expense - Reimbursement for reasonable expenses (beyond the fixed costs) that allow the business to continue operation while the property is being repaired.

This coverage extends until the end of the business interruption period, which is determined by the insurance policy. Most insurance policies define this period as starting on the date of the covered peril and the damaged property is physically repaired and returned to operations under the same condition that existed prior to the disaster.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: The Arizona Railway Museum

The Arizona Railway Museum was founded and incorporated in 1983 as a non-profit, educational and historical organization. The Museum is dedicated to the railways of Arizona and the Southwest. For many years, the trains were on display near downtown Chandler. They were subsequently moved to Tumbleweed Park. 

The Arizona Railway Museum is a community effort dedicated to the acquisition, restoration, preservation and display of equipment, artifacts and mementos related primarily to the past and present railways of Arizona and the Southwest. From logging and mining to the freight terminals in Phoenix and Tucson, railroads have played a major role in the economic and social development of Arizona. 

The museum is a labor of love for many volunteers, and while admission is always free, donations from the public and local businesses are accepted and appreciated. 

The Arizona Railway Museum has an impressive roster of equipment, and the all-volunteer organization is constantly working on restoration projects at the yard. The website has a list of locomotives, motor cars and other equipment.

Not all the equipment is available for viewing or for entrance during the entire year. On National Train Day, you'll be able to see more, and enter more rail cars, than on any other day of the year. 

The Arizona Railway Museum is only open from 12:00 pm to 4 pm on Saturdays and Sundays, from early September through the end of May.

Arizona Railway Museum Admission: There is no charge to enter the Display Yard and take a take a self-guided walk around the yard and view the equipment. The yard is open air and surfaced in crushed rock.

There are usually at least four passenger cars and a caboose open for walking through and viewing the interior. Museum cars are not configured for the disabled (all doors/hallways are original width) and entering the cars requires climbing stairs.

Group tours are available by appointment only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, groups of 25 persons or less and age 10 and above.

Arizona Railway Museum: 330 E. Ryan Rd. in Chandler. Ryan Road is south of Germann and east of Arizona Avenue. 480-821-1108   Website:

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Faster Diagnosis For Breast Cancer

Researchers from The George Washington University published a study showing that breast cancer patients can reduce potentially dangerous delays in the identification of breast cancer with the assistance of patient navigation services. Patient navigation - a service that helps patients overcome barriers to getting health care, including setting up appointments, dealing with health insurance, and helping with fears about cancer - led to a nearly four-fold reduction in the time it took to diagnose a suspicious breast lump, the new study found.

Previous research had suggested that navigation services can help women, especially low-income women, overcome obstacles that might result in long lags in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Breast cancer kills more than 40,000 women every year in the United States and is a particular problem in the District of Columbia - a city that struggles with one of the highest breast cancer death rates in the nation. 

Navigators in the study were trained to deal with a lack of insurance, childcare difficulties and other barriers that can mean missed medical appointments and a delay in the provision of care. In some cases, women who do not get this extra help wait so long that a small and treatable cancer grows and becomes difficult, if not impossible, to stop. 

The researchers discovered that patient navigation services shaved days off the time it took to get a diagnosis. For example, women in the navigated group had a mean diagnosis time for breast cancer of just 25 days. In contrast, women in the control group waited an average of 42 days to receive a diagnosis, a delay that slows down the next step - initiation of treatment: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or other treatments that can prevent the cancer from spreading. 

But this study also suggests that navigation services can also overcome other obstacles to care - such as the lack of health insurance. In fact, the team found that women without insurance who had the help of a navigator were significantly more likely to get a timely diagnosis compared to uninsured women who did not get navigation. Hoffman says uninsured women often have trouble finding health care providers who will treat them and they also face other barriers to care, including a lack of transportation to the clinic or childcare.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hotel & Motel Hospitality Insurance

Running a hotel in today's competitive environment is a big challenge. Getting the proper business insurance at a reasonable price can be frustrating and time consuming.  Hotel insurance provides business protection coverage for owners and managers of hotels.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. offers specialty insurance programs designed specifically for hospitality industry. Hotel insurance covers motels, inn, resorts, spas, ranches and more. Learn more about the coverages included in the hotel and motel insurance policy. We offer protection that goes beyond the industry standard forms used by many insurance companies.

Some insurance agents might not associate these insurance claims with the hotel and hospitality business, but as a manager or owner of a motel, hotel, or resort, you know better: employee claims of harassment or wrongful dismissal, damage to shuttle vans or injuries to passengers, and injury or damages resulting from guest intoxication. You are also familiar with risk unique to hospitality businesses like guest slip and fall injuries, and allegations of theft from guest rooms.

If you run a bed and breakfast from your home you want to make sure that you have the proper coverage to protect your business, yourself and your home.  If your serve meals or food items you had added a new level of regulations and you need to comply with those and protect your business with an additional level if you have this feature and exposure in your hospitality business.

At Bennett Insurance Group we are familiar with those risks as well; we can help assess the needs of your unique business and provide effective, economical options for your hotel and motel hospitality insurance and risk management programs.

Having just the minimum in coverages is never a good business practice.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, October 19, 2012

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies? Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Personal Watercraft Insurance

Personal watercraft, such as jet skis and wave runners, are often our customer's first step into the boating world. Personal watercraft are extremely invigorating and fun for water lovers of all ages; however, they are not toys. Whether you are a first time boater or experienced captain, it is important that you have proper coverage for these vessels. Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has policies that are geared specifically for your personal watercraft. Likewise, because of our expertise in this area we also have the ability to provide commercial marine insurance for companies that rent personal watercraft.

Personal watercraft insurance helps insure you and your personal watercraft against accidents, vandalism, and liability. That means smooth riding! Bennett Insurance Group can help you get the right personal watercraft policy to suit your needs.

What Does personal watercraft insurance Cover?

The most important part that's covered is you. A watercraft insurance policy typically insures you against many common liability losses regardless of whether you operate it yourself or loan it to another person. In situations like these, you may be covered for:

• Damage to another craft or dock

• Bodily injury or death to another person due to your negligence

• Negligence of another driver while using your PWC

• Towed water skiers or wake boarders who become injured using your craft

• Physical damage to the hull, machinery, and equipment

• Injury to you caused by an uninsured watercraft operator 

• Towing assistance if you break down on the water

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: The Titan Missile Museum

The Titan Missile Museum is the only remaining Titan II site open to the public, allowing you to relive a time when the threat of nuclear war between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union was a reality.

The Titan II was capable of launching from its underground silo in 58 seconds and could deliver a nine megaton thermonuclear warhead to its target more than 5,500 miles away in less than thirty minutes. For more than two decades, 54 Titan II missile complexes across the United States stood "on alert" 24 hours a day, seven days a week, heightening the threat of nuclear war or preventing Armageddon, depending upon your point of view.

The Titan Missile Museum showcases the dramatic vestiges of the Cold War between the U.S. and former Soviet Union and provides a vivid education about the history of nuclear conflict-a history of keeping the peace.

At the Titan Missile Museum, near Tucson, Arizona, visitors journey through time to stand on the front line of the Cold War. This preserved Titan II missile site, officially known as complex 571-7, is all that remains of the 54 Titan II missile sites that were on alert across the United States from 1963 to 1987.

Able to launch from its underground silo in just 58 seconds, the Titan II was capable of delivering a 9-megaton nuclear warhead to targets more than 6300 miles (10,000 km) away in about 30 minutes. Nowhere else in the world can visitors get this close to an intercontinental ballistic missile in its operational environment. This one-of-a kind museum gives visitors a rare look at the technology used by the United States to deter nuclear war. What was once one of America's most top secret places is now a National Historic Landmark, fulfilling its new mission of bringing Cold War history to life for millions of visitors from around the world.

Location: 1580 W. Duval Mine Rd. Sahuarita, Arizona 520-625-7736

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kidnap & Ransom Insurance?

While only a few people reading this will have any interest in an insurance that is one we are sure we will never need.  Yes, insurance in general falls into that category, we are sure we will never need it.  Those kind of things always happen to someone else.

The truth is they don’t always happen to someone else.  While the percentage will be small, when it does happen you change from a small percentage to a 100% victim.

Does your financial success put your family at risk?  Will your next vacation destination change your risk profile? Does the scope of your business operations put you or your employees at risk?

Kidnap and ransom insurance or K&R insurance is designed to protect individuals and corporations operating in high-risk areas around the world, such as Mexico, Venezuela, Haiti, and Nigeria, certain other countries in Latin America, as well as some parts of the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe. K&R insurance policies typically cover the perils of kidnap, extortion, wrongful detention, and hijacking.  K&R policies are indemnity policies - they reimburse a loss incurred by the insured. The policies do not pay ransoms on the behalf of the insured. The insured must first pay the ransom, thus incurring the loss, and then seek reimbursement under the policy. Losses typically reimbursed by K&R polices are ransom payments, loss-of-ransom-in-transit and additional expenses, such as medical expenses.

One of the known paradoxes of K&R policies is that those who have them are often not aware, as it can be provided by an employer hoping to protect the company's assets. It is believed that an employee with knowledge of his K&R policy might begin to act differently, or even collude in his own kidnap for fraudulent purposes.

Your Kidnap & Ransom policy will provide coverage for the following:

Ransom and extortion payments as a result of a kidnapping or extortion threat.

Loss of the ransom or extortion payment while being delivered.

Expense coverage as a result of a ransom or extortion demand which includes fees and expenses of independent negotiators, and travel and accommodation expenses.

Legal liability coverage protection in the event it is alleged the insured was negligent in a hostage retrieval.

Political threat coverage for expenses when a person is wrongfully detained by anyone acting for a government or with the government's approval.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, October 15, 2012

Booster Seats Protect Children and Save Lives

More than 1,000 children 12 and younger die in passenger vehicle crashes every year, and more than 100,000 are injured. Parents can reduce the risk to their kids by properly securing them in the back seats.

Booster seats can improve the fit of adult belts for children who have outgrown child restraints, but not all boosters provide the recommended belt fit. It's important to ensure that the lap belt fits low across the upper thigh, not across the child's soft abdomen. The shoulder belt should cross snuggly over the center of the shoulder.

There are so many car seat types and models, how do you know which one is right for your child? The right car seat or booster fits your child and your car, and is one you will use correctly every time you travel. Not only will your child ride as safely as possible, you will be establishing the foundation for a lifelong habit of seat belt use every time your child travels.

Birth - 12 months
Your child under age 1 should always ride in a rear-facing car seat.
There are different types of rear-facing car seats: Infant-only seats can only be used rear-facing. Convertible and 3-in-1 car seats typically have higher height and weight limits for the rear-facing position, allowing you to keep your child rear-facing for a longer period of time.

1 - 3 yearsKeep your child rear-facing as long as possible. It’s the best way to keep him or her safe. Your child should remain in a rear-facing car seat until he or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat’s manufacturer. Once your child outgrows the rear-facing car seat, your child is ready to travel in a forward-facing car seat with a harness.

4 - 7 years
Keep your child in a forward-facing car seat with a harness until he or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat’s manufacturer. Once your child outgrows the forward-facing car seat with a harness, it’s time to travel in a booster seat, but still in the back seat.

8 - 12 years
Keep your child in a booster seat until he or she is big enough to fit in a seat belt properly. For a seat belt to fit properly the lap belt must lie snugly across the upper thighs, not the stomach. The shoulder belt should lie snug across the shoulder and chest and not cross the neck or face. Remember: your child should still ride in the back seat because it’s safer there.

For more information:

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, October 12, 2012

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies? Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Personal Umbrella Insurance

Personal Umbrella insurance refers to a liability insurance policy that protects the assets and future income of the name insured in addition to his or her primary policies. It is distinguished from excess insurance in that excess coverage goes into effect only when all underlying policies are totally exhausted, while umbrella is able to "drop down" to fill coverage gaps in underlying policies. Therefore, an umbrella policy can become the primary policy "on the risk" in certain situations. The term "umbrella" refers to how the policy shields the insured's assets more broadly than primary coverage.

Typically, an umbrella policy is pure liability coverage over and above the coverage afforded by the regular policy, and is sold in increments of one million dollars. The term "umbrella" is used because it covers liability claims from all policies underneath it, such as auto insurance and homeowners insurance policies. For example, if the insured carries an auto insurance policy with liability limits of $500,000 and a homeowners insurance policy with a limit of $300,000, then with a million dollar umbrella, the insured's limits become in effect, $1,500,000 on an auto liability claim and $1,300,000 on a homeowners liability claim.

Umbrella insurance provides broad insurance beyond traditional home and auto. It provides additional liability coverage above the limits of homeowner's, auto, and boat insurance policies. It can also provide coverage for claims that may be excluded by the primary policies. These may include, but are not limited to:

• False arrest
• Libel
• Slander
• Invasion of privacy

You don't have to be a millionaire to be sued like one. Million-dollar judgments against individuals for negligence are still relatively rare. However, receiving a lawsuit with a million-dollar demand is more common. If you receive such a court summons and you have only $100,000 of coverage, you may lose a lot of sleep.

Umbrella policies offer inexpensive "peace of mind" for most types of negligence claims. Automobile accidents are probably the most common source of serious claims. This policy supplements your basic automobile liability with extra million-dollar layers of protection. It also covers other types of catastrophic claims such as a neighbor's child drowning in your pool or the delivery man being seriously injured by falling over your children’s toys.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Arizona Museum of Natural History

The Arizona Museum of Natural History is renowned for its field research programs and provides the public with opportunities to work on archaeological and paleontological digs. Come join us on one of our exciting scientific expeditions and contribute to these fascinating fields of science.

The Southwest Archaeology Team (SWAT), sponsored by Curator of Anthropology Dr. Jerry Howard, conducts archaeological research and undertakes historic preservation initiatives such as at the Sirrine House. In addition to excavations such as at Riverview, Park of the Canals, Pew Site and Rowley Site, AzMNH cares for and has plans to develop Mesa Grande, an ancient Hohokam temple mound site in Mesa, as a cultural park open to the public.

Dr. Robert McCord, Curator of Natural History, assisted by the Southwest Paleontology Society (SPS), conducts paleontological research throughout Arizona. Research expeditions have explored the Cretaceous in southeastern Arizona and Sonora, and Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits in the Phoenix area and eastern portions of the state. These expeditions have yielded theropod and sauropod dinosaurs, ceratopsians, hadrosaurs and many other kinds of Mesozoic animals, and glyptotheres, rhyncotheres, camels, horses, mammoth, turtles and other members of the later Cenozoic faunas.

What are the collections and where does the museum get them?

The museum holds substantial collections in natural history, anthropology, history and art. The museum obtains most of its paleontological and archaeological collections from the museum’s field research programs. AzMNH receives many collections items from generous donors.

Explore Arizona and the Southwest from the creation of the earth 4.5 billion years ago to the present. See the origins of life on earth, meteorites and minerals. In Dinosaur Hall, discover some of the biggest dinosaurs that ever lived, and on Dinosaur Mountain see how some appeared and sounded in a natural context. In a Walk through Time, explore ancient Arizona’s Paleozoic Seas, Triassic Petrified Forest, monsters of the Cretaceous Seas, and the first animals to fly.

In the Southwest Gallery, you will see Paleoindian big game hunters and gatherers, the first inhabitants of North America, and the Desert Cultures that developed later. Visit a Hohokam village, with pithouses and above-ground structures, outfitted with real artifacts as they might have been from about A.D. 600-1450. See the magnificent Ancient Cultures of Mexico.

Have Fun with History, and explore the Spanish Southwest, Territorial Arizona, and Arizona’s historic 5 Cs in the History Courtyard. Discover many of the movies that have been filmed in Arizona, and be in a western movie yourself!

Location: 53 N. Macdonald Mesa, AZ 85201 Phone: 480-644-2230 Website:

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Short-Term Disability

If you get injured and can't work, short-term disability benefits begin immediately. If you can't work because of illness, your policy may require a waiting period of several days to confirm that the illness can be considered disabling, as opposed to one covered by sick days. Short-term disability policies often offer six months of benefits, although some can last as long as one year.

Many employers offer short-term disability insurance with their employee benefits and may pay part of the premiums. You can also purchase your own policy.

A steady income is essential for most people. If an accident or illness interrupts that income, it affects both the employee and employer. Short Term Disability (STD) protection is designed to replace a portion of the wages lost when a short term disability occurs. An affordable, flexible Short-Term Disability plan can provide needed benefits to both the employer and employee.

Do you know how you would pay your bills and put food on the table if you couldn't work as a result of illness or injury? Your health insurance would cover your medical bills, but how would you replace your lost income? You may want to consider short-term disability insurance as an answer to these questions.

The U.S. Social Security Administration says that there is a 3-in-10 chance that you will miss work because of a disability at some point during your working life-time. If you become injured or sick to the point that you have to miss work for a short period of time, short-term disability insurance will help to replace some of your income. The length of time you must be disabled before receiving benefits depends on your policy, as does the amount of time your coverage lasts.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, October 8, 2012

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment Practices Liability is an area of United States law that deals with wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, invasion of privacy, false imprisonment, breach of contract, emotional distress, and wage and hour law violations.

Most commonly, employment practices liability deals with laws and protections brought under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the Civil Rights Act of 1991,  Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) interprets and enforces these laws.

A growing product on the insurance markets is employment practices liability insurance (EPL), a type of policy that business owners can buy to protect their organizations against employee suits for rights protected under acts above.  More recently, with the expansion of privacy law(s), employee privacy concerns have come to the fore as private employee data is stored electronically.

Importantly, there are both federal and state statutes that govern an employer's liability to its employees. Laws also differ from state to state; e.g., California, is often considered a pro-employee state when it comes to employers' liability.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance otherwise known as EPLI is insurance that helps protect you against claims from your employees that result from the general conduct of your business. Common examples of employee related claims include claims relating to:

    Wrongful Discharge
    Sexual Harassment
    Hostile Working Environment
    Wrongful Termination
    Lack of Advancement

Why is ELP Needed? Recent reports show that cases against employers are on the rise. It is estimated that three out of five firms will be sued by an employee. Companies are finding that they are vulnerable from the pre-hiring process through the exit interview, even if the employee was never hired, or only at the company a matter of days.

It can happen to any firm. We have read and talked about it. Exposure can arise from a joke told in the break room, an employee you had to fire, a “friendly” programmer, or that person you chose not to hire. Every employer faces the reality that it will be the target of legal action from past, present and prospective employees. Even if the claim is groundless or fraudulent, the defense of a suit can be expensive in time, resources and financially.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, October 5, 2012

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies? Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Medical Malpractice Insurance

Medical malpractice is professional negligence by act or omission by a health care provider in which the treatment provided falls below the accepted standard of practice in the medical community and causes injury or death to the patient, with most cases involving medical error. Standards and regulations for medical malpractice vary by country and jurisdiction within countries. Medical professionals may obtain professional liability insurances to offset the risk and costs of lawsuits based on medical malpractice.

Statistics show that approximately 195,000 people are killed every year by medical errors in the US. The study notes that about 1.14 million patient-safety incidents occurred among the 37 million hospitalizations in the Medicare population over the years 2000-2002. Hospital costs associated with such medical errors were estimated at $324 million in October 2008 alone.

Between 15,000 and 19,000 malpractice suits are brought against doctors each year.

In a typical medical malpractice case the plaintiff is or was the patient, or a legally designated party acting on behalf of the patient, or – in the case of a wrongful-death suit – the executor or administrator of a deceased patient's estate.

The defendant is the health care provider. Although a 'health care provider' usually refers to a physician, the term includes any medical care provider, including dentists, nurses, and therapists. As illustrated in Columbia Medical Center of Las Colinas v Bush, 122 S.W. 3d 835 (Tex. 2003), "following orders" may not protect nurses and other non-physicians from liability when committing negligent acts. Relying on vicarious liability or direct corporate negligence, which was found in the case of Dany Decell, CEO, claims may also be brought against hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations or medical corporations for the mistakes of their employees.

In today’s challenging healthcare marketplace, we can help guide you to better results and a higher set of expectations with our value added services. We understand your struggle to deliver quality health care and avoid medical malpractice claims. Working in partnership with your practice, we will address affordability issues regarding medical malpractice insurance, while improving safety and quality.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Hall Of Flame

The Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting is an absolute treasure in the desert, and it can be found right in the heart of Phoenix. It may not be the best known museum in the area, and it isn't very visible from any major street, but the Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting is certainly worth finding if you want to see the largest collection of firefighting apparatus in the United States.

The National Historical Fire Foundation (Hall of Flame Fire Museum) is a museum dedicated to the historical preservation of fire fighting equipment used through the years around the world.

The museum opened in 1961 and now contains one of the largest collections of retired fire apparatus around. They have five exhibit bays and the National Firefighting Hall of Heroes gallery. The equipment is grouped as: Hand & Horse Drawn with equipment from 1725 to 1908; Motorized Apparatus covering 1897 to 1948; Motorized Apparatus showing units from 1918 to 1968; the last areas are Motorized Apparatus from 1919 to 1950) and Wildland Firefighting.

They also have one of the worlds largest collection of Fire Department arm patches.

In addition to exhibits that bring Arizona's firefighting history to life, don't miss the presentations about fire safety. The staff and volunteers who give these talks are so animated that the kids become mesmerized and don't even realize they're learning valuable life lessons.

Children will enjoy the ninety fully restored fire trucks and other pieces of fire apparatus on display, dating back from 1725. They can play out their fireman fantasies and gain an appreciation for how heavy and hot this gear really is, by dressing up in real fire fighter gear. And they can learn valuable safety lessons in the large hands-on exhibit area.

The Hall of Flame Fire Museum is one of the least expensive museums in the larger Phoenix Metro area.

They are located in Phoenix, Arizona at 6101 East Van Buren St across from the Phoenix Zoo and next door to the Phoenix Municipal Stadium.  For more information please call (602) 275-3473.

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Do You Need Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance is insurance that is intended to cover medical expenses, financial default of travel suppliers, and other losses incurred while traveling, either within one's own country, or internationally. Temporary travel insurance can usually be arranged at the time of the booking of a trip to cover exactly the duration of that trip, or a "multi-trip" policy can cover an unlimited number of trips within a set time frame. Coverage varies, and can be purchased to include higher risk items such as "winter sports".

When you travel outside the United States you may need to supplement your Health Insurance as well as protecting yourself from unexpected travel interruptions.  When you are traveling and your trip is interrupted by weather, airline problems, political unrest, cancellations or many other types of problems you could be stranded and face unexpected expenses.

Is your travel agent the best place to get insured?

When you travel abroad, one of the most important financial considerations is how to protect you and your family's health. Without proper coverage, an illness or injury abroad can turn into a financial disaster. Whether you are a corporate traveler, an international student studying abroad, a family on vacation or reunion, or an individual traveling abroad for work, pleasure, or education, don't let your trip be ruined by an accident or unexpected medical emergency.

Traditional sources of U.S. private health insurance will not meet your needs. Geographical exclusions and provider limitations common to these policies will restrict or even eliminate the coverage available to you while you are outside the U.S. At the same time, you may not be eligible for participation in the government-sponsored plans in the country where you reside.

You want to understand how the insurance expects you to participate.  Will you have to pay upfront for the expenses and have to wait for reimbursement?  Will they help you make needed emergency travel arrangements?

Most importantly you want to have a clear understanding of what your travel insurance covers and critically what it does not cover.  Consider what your travel plans include.  If you plan on a trip where you will rent motorbikes to experience the countryside, are you covered if you are in an road accident?

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, October 1, 2012

Annuity Advantages

An Annuity is any continuing payment with a fixed total annual amount. Annuity may refer to:

  • Annuity (finance theory): any terminating stream of fixed payments over a specified period of time
  • Life annuity: a financial contract providing payments for a person's lifetime

In the United States an annuity contract is created when an insured party, usually an individual, pays a life insurance company a single premium that will later be distributed back to the insured party over time. Annuity contracts traditionally provide a guaranteed distribution of income over time, until the death of the person or persons named in the contract or until a final date, whichever comes first. However, the majority of modern annuity customers use annuities only to accumulate funds free of income and capital gains taxes and to later take lump-sum withdrawals without using the guaranteed-income-for-life feature.

An annuity can help you accumulate tax-deferred earnings as part of your overall retirement plan. Annuities offer the opportunity for lifetime payments and tax-deferred earnings, and provide a guaranteed death benefit for your beneficiaries. All guarantees are backed by the continued claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

You may want to consider investing in an annuity as part of your long-term financial plan if:

You're in a higher tax bracket, and want to defer additional income.

You've reached your deductible limit on all your retirement accounts and wish to save more for retirement.

An annuity is different from most other retirement savings vehicles — it's actually a contract between you and an insurance company. In return for making one or more premium payments, the insurance company agrees to provide you an income stream — usually during retirement. You can elect to receive payment all at once or as a series of payments, even for the rest of your life.

Let Bennett Insurance Group help when you are considering your needs for financial or insurance products for your home or business. Contact us at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group