Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why Is My Sidewalk My Problem

You Home Owners Insurance covers more than your home and it contents.  It also should cover people while they are on your property.  The exact coverage varies by company and policy parameters.  If you have questions about that coverage you need to speak with your agent or insurance company.  Keep in mind that you are responsible for making your property as safe as possible.  That includes doing proper maintenance.

What is a property owner’s responsibility for streets and sidewalks?
Streets and sidewalks are for everyone's use. They add value to private property by providing access to the property and a way to get to other places in the city. 

When property is developed, property owners dedicate part of the land as "public right-of-way" for streets, sidewalks, utilities and similar public uses. 

Why is sidewalk repair my responsibility?
Municipal Code requires that property owners keep the sidewalk adjacent to their property fit and safe for the purposes of public travel. As such, property owners must repair cracks and other damage to the sidewalk.

What some property owners do not realize is that they are responsible for maintaining part of the public right-of-way next to their property, including the sidewalk and planting strip, or the roadway shoulder if unimproved. Property owners are also responsible for maintaining unpaved alleys next to their property.

What is a property owner’s responsibility for weeds, debris, and garbage?
To protect the health and safety of the public, it is important to keep streets, alleys and sidewalks free of obstructions, litter, and other material.

Property owners must trim or remove overhanging trees, plants, shrubs, vegetation or debris which obstruct streets, alleys or sidewalks, or which are a fire hazard.

Property owners must also prevent rubbish, garbage or waste material from accumulating on their property, sidewalks, or planting strips, regardless of who put the material there. 

Instances of accumulation of junk and garbage on private property is normally a code violation that would be addressed by your local government.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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