Thursday, April 11, 2013

Are You Covered?

Well, are you?  Do you have all the insurance coverage you need?  The right insurance coverage?  The most cost-effective insurance coverage for your family or business situation?  Is it the best insurance coverage for you and your family?  Well, is it?

Okay, are those really fair questions to ask the average person about the insurance coverage that they need.  Do you think a web site is the right place to get those answers.  Does a big name insurance company that you see advertising on television care about truly meeting your needs or just making the sale.

In my humble opinion an Independent Insurance broker is the right place to start getting all of those very complex questions and answers to match. The independent agents purpose and goal is build an insurance package that will fit the true needs of your family in today’s complex and ever changing society.

After an accident, illness or unexpected event is not the time to find out that you weren’t covered or were poorly covered.  You don’t want to be gambling with your families’ financial future for lack of the proper information.  Many people wait until after they experience a loss to understand their coverage. Unfortunately, these decisions cannot be undone and they will directly affect your ability to recover from a loss. Review your existing insurance coverage and figure out where your "gaps" are.

There are many things in life you cannot control, but you can control your ability to recover from unforeseen events by having adequate insurance coverage.

No one ever knows for sure when a storm or other peril will strike. There are several steps you can take to ensure that you will be fully compensated for your loss as well as make the insurance claim filing process easier and faster after a disaster.

Meet with your insurance agent annually or as needed to ensure your insurance coverage is adequate to protect you and your family against loss. Take into account any recent changes or additions to your property or surrounding area.

If you don’t currently have an insurance agent working for you, consider your needs for insurance products for your home or business and contact Bennett Insurance Group. It is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

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