Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Whole Life Insurance Vs Term Life Insurance

Both Term and Whole life insurance provide a basic death benefit, but whole life insurance also builds up what is referred to as "cash value," essentially a savings feature that you can withdraw or borrow against.

There are several forms of term insurance:

Level term -- you pay a fixed premium for up to 20 years. This can be a good deal, since it protects you against the effects of inflation and unexpected changes in your health that would warrant higher premiums.

Annual renewable term -- gives you the option of renewing your policy regularly, but at increasing premium rates.

Decreasing term -- features a steadily decreasing death benefit. This might seem undesirable, but it can be sensible for many people. You may need a bigger benefit when you're a young breadwinner with a family to support than when you're a retiree with grown children and a nice nest egg.

Whole life insurance, meanwhile, is designed to cover you for your entire life. These policies charge you a fixed premium each year, one that's typically higher than term insurance. The advantage touted by insurance companies for whole life insurance is that, while part of the premium covers what term insurance would cost, the surplus resides in an account that pays interest and accumulates a cash value. As this "accumulation account" grows, your premiums can decrease over time. Eventually, in some cases, the interest earned can pay the premiums for you. So you won't be paying any more premiums, but you'll still be covered for the rest of your life.

Enter "Universal" life insurance, a form of whole life insurance. With universal life, in years when the insurance company earns more on policyholders' accumulation accounts than they promised, they pass along the extra gain. This sounds good, but in some situations, because of overly optimistic assumptions insurers make about customers' returns, customers can end up paying more than they expected to. "Variable" life insurance policies, which invest in sub-accounts that look like (but legally are not and cannot be) mutual funds, carry the same danger.

With universal and variable insurance, the higher the initial assumed rate of return, the lower the annual payments will be. This is how some unscrupulous agents can sign you up -- through very attractive policies based on unreasonable assumptions. Since most insurers invest to a great degree in bonds, be skeptical of any promised universal rates much higher than the 30-year Treasury rate. With variable insurance, since most mutual funds have trouble beating the S&P 500's average historical return of 10%-12% per year, we'd be skeptical of any projected rates in that neighborhood.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, April 29, 2013

Additional Benefits of Whole Life Insurance

A key advantage of whole life insurance is that the cost of the premiums paid to the policy will never increase. This is important, so we'll repeat again.

The cost of the premiums paid to the policy will never increase.  The sooner you start your whole life policy (the younger you are) the lower the cost of the premiums. Parents should consider starting while life policies for their very young children.

The reason why this is important is because with term policies, your rates will rise over time. This is due to the changes in your health and age. As you get older, your chances of dying increases. Since the life insurance company takes on that risk, they increase the cost of premiums.  With whole life insurance, the premium cost will stay the same as long as the policy is in force. Even if you are gravely ill, the cost will never change. It's guaranteed.

Bonus Advantages of Whole Life Insurance:  As the years go by, the policy actually gets cheaper. What's one of the eroding factors of money? Inflation. As time progresses, you are paying the premiums with inflated dollars, which means that the premiums get cheaper and cheaper. The time value of money is working for you.

The premiums paid go towards increasing the cash value and death benefit. But the key here is that they are guaranteed. Your cash value and death benefit can never decrease in value unless you start withdrawing the cash value from the policy.

Your whole life insurance policy acts as a savings account, which is one of our strategies to save money. When you pay your premium and your cash value increases, it's guaranteed. When interest is earned and added to your cash value, it's guaranteed. The same applies to your death benefit.

With a whole life insurance policy, you pay the premiums with after-tax dollars. The cash value grows without taxation. You are only taxed after your withdrawals from the policy exceed your basis (the total amount that you put into the policy).

Policy Pays a Dividend: Whole life insurance policies, also referred to as dividend paying, permanent insurance policies, pay dividends. Now, the key thing here is that these dividends aren't taxed. They are actually considered returns of premium.  For example, let's say that you pay $1000 into the policy. At the end of the year, the insurance company looks at how efficient it was with your policy. Let's say they earned 10% on your policy ($100).

After deliberation, they decide to return $90 back to you (the $10 pays for administration fees and a contingency fund). This is not an actual gain. It is a return of premium, which is not considered a taxable event. This tax saving tip is widely unknown. And, a dividend paid to your policy does not lose value. It's value is guaranteed because now it's part of the cash value.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, April 26, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group


Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Fresh Look At General Liability Insurance

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: if you’re starting a business you’re going to need general liability insurance. But what does that mean? What protection does it afford?  How do you determine your coverage needs?  How does it work?

Liability insurance (also known as Commercial General Business Liability) protects a company’s assets and pays for obligations – medical costs, for example incurred if someone gets hurt on your property or when there are property damages or injuries caused by you or your employees. Liability insurance also covers the cost of your legal defense and any settlement or award should you be successfully sued.  Typically these include compensatory damages, nonmonetary losses suffered by the injured party, and punitive damages. 

General liability insurance can also protect you against any liability as a tenant if you cause damage to a property that you rent, such as by fire or other covered loss.

The coverage you need depends on the type of business you are in and the perceived risk associated with it. For example, a building contractor will need more coverage than a web designer or consultant. Your business location is also another factor that comes into play. For example, some states tend to award more in damages to plaintiffs claiming personal injury than others. Talk to a licensed insurance broker for advice on this before you rush out and buy a policy.

As mentioned above, if you fall into the lower risk category, you may want to consider a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) which combines general liability and property insurance at a cost-effective rate.

Confused about where to start? Take a look at SBA’s Five Tips for Buying Business Insurance which includes tips on assessing your risk, shopping around, BOPs, and maintenance of your policy.

If you are on the higher end of the risk scale and already have general liability insurance, you can also opt for excess insurance or umbrella insurance that increases your coverage limits. This will cover you in situations in which you’re worried that your existing coverage won’t cover all your costs should someone file and win a claim against you.

Be sure to do your industry research before you invest in any policy. Sometimes a client contract will require that your business has the appropriate coverage or umbrella insurance to perform work on their behalf. Likewise, some construction contractors may add you to their general liability policy as an additional name to be insured for the duration of the project.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Eight's Check, Please! Arizona Festival

April 22 - 28. Highlighting Arizona’s independent culinary scene, Eight’s Check, Please! Arizona Festival will showcase eats from over 35 restaurants previously featured on Check, Please! Arizona in addition to craft beer and wine, cooking demonstrations, a James Beard Award winners’ panel hosted by McGrath, and a chance for fans to audition for a spot on the show. CityScape from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets are $60 for general admission and includes food as well as wine and beer sampling. VIP tickets are $100 and include a James Beard Award winners’ private chef seminar; exclusive wine tastings; early entry to the festival 30-minutes before general admission; and VIP valet parking.

Watch PBS for season three of Eight’s popular restaurant review series in which Arizona residents, just like you, share dining-out experiences in a lively roundtable discussion. Each week, Check, Please! Arizona features a trio of guests who dine and then review three local restaurants they recommended to each other. James Beard award-winning chef Robert McGrath hosts the half-hour program.

Don't let Robert McGrath’s “aw-shucks” attitude and well-worn Stetson cowboy hat fool you: Host Robert McGrath of Check, Please! Arizona is one of America's finest chefs and restaurateurs. Winner of the prestigious James Beard "Best Chef in America: Southwest" Award, and founding chef of both Roaring Fork and Renegade Canteen restaurants in Scottsdale, Arizona, McGrath has been a nationally acclaimed chef for nearly two decades. Born in Texas, McGrath's culinary career began with classical training in France, followed by prestigious postings, including chef de cuisine at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin; executive chef of the Four Seasons Hotel in Houston; and chef/owner of Sierra Grill in Houston, and Brio Vista in Austin.

Festival Location: CityScape - 1 East Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Show Times: Thursdays at 7 p.m. & again on Saturdays at 3 p.m. on Eight HD

Website:  http://www.azpbs.org/checkplease/

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Will The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 Be Extended?

The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is a United States federal law signed into law by President George Bush on November 26, 2002. The Act created a federal "backstop" for insurance claims related to acts of terrorism. The Act "provides for a transparent system of shared public and private compensation for insured losses resulting from acts of terrorism." The Act was originally set to expire December 31, 2005, was extended for two years in December 2005, and was extended again on December 26, 2007. The current law, under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act, is set to expire on December 31, 2014.

H.R. 508 (Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 Reauthorization Act of 2013) was assigned to a congressional committee on February 5, 2013, which will consider it before possibly sending it on to the House or Senate as a whole.  At the time it was submitted the bill was given a 25% chance of making it out of committee and less than a 10% chance of being passed.  It was thought that the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act would fade out of existence.

With the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15th the interest in insurance coverage related to this type of act has taken on a completely new perspective.

However it is not clear that the Boston Marathon bombing will be covered under the current act.  President Obama on Tuesday defined instances where “bombs are used to target innocent civilians” as acts of terror – which includes the Boston Marathon bombing.

“Any event with multiple explosive devices – as this appears to be – is clearly an act of terror,” a White House official told reports after the bombing.

But in order for damaged businesses to benefit from the federal reinsurance program, an attack must be certified as an “act of terrorism” by Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew, as well as the US Attorney General and the Secretary of State, the Wall Street Journal reports.

And in order for these department heads to certify a violent act as “terrorism”, there needs to be a minimum of $5 million in inflicted damages – regardless of the motives behind the attack. About 60 percent of commercial policyholders have purchased insurance against terrorist attacks – an investment that likely won’t help businesses damaged in the Boston Marathon attack, considering the small amount of damage in comparison to other attacks, like 9/11.

Do you know what your business interruption insurance covers?

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Insurance Broker Advantages

The insurance industry is a vast landscape.  The right insurance advice can be very important.  Good insurance agents spend 20-30% of their time learning at seminars how to best handle complex insurance situations.

What makes a good independent  insurance agent?

When it comes to financial security and insurance protection, your insurance agent should be a trusted advisor who offers personalized and expert advice to you and your family, now and in the future.

Top three benefits of an independent insurance agent or broker

Personal Service
Agents are trained to assess your needs, offer unbiased advice and support you should the unexpected happen.

Peace of Mind
Your independent agent is a part of your local community and can handle your full range of insurance needs all in one place.

Your independent agent can access insurance coverage from multiple carriers to provide you with the best mix of savings and pricing.

Relationships Matter
A survey by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA) discovered that three out of four people use an agent when purchasing insurance. More than half of the respondents over age 55 have purchased insurance from the same agent for at least 20 years.

If you’re like most people, you want to develop a long-term relationship with an agent, too. But how do you go about finding someone who is professional and reputable? For starters, you can choose from a select group of agents that are part of Trusted Choice. 

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, April 19, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why Is My Sidewalk My Problem

You Home Owners Insurance covers more than your home and it contents.  It also should cover people while they are on your property.  The exact coverage varies by company and policy parameters.  If you have questions about that coverage you need to speak with your agent or insurance company.  Keep in mind that you are responsible for making your property as safe as possible.  That includes doing proper maintenance.

What is a property owner’s responsibility for streets and sidewalks?
Streets and sidewalks are for everyone's use. They add value to private property by providing access to the property and a way to get to other places in the city. 

When property is developed, property owners dedicate part of the land as "public right-of-way" for streets, sidewalks, utilities and similar public uses. 

Why is sidewalk repair my responsibility?
Municipal Code requires that property owners keep the sidewalk adjacent to their property fit and safe for the purposes of public travel. As such, property owners must repair cracks and other damage to the sidewalk.

What some property owners do not realize is that they are responsible for maintaining part of the public right-of-way next to their property, including the sidewalk and planting strip, or the roadway shoulder if unimproved. Property owners are also responsible for maintaining unpaved alleys next to their property.

What is a property owner’s responsibility for weeds, debris, and garbage?
To protect the health and safety of the public, it is important to keep streets, alleys and sidewalks free of obstructions, litter, and other material.

Property owners must trim or remove overhanging trees, plants, shrubs, vegetation or debris which obstruct streets, alleys or sidewalks, or which are a fire hazard.

Property owners must also prevent rubbish, garbage or waste material from accumulating on their property, sidewalks, or planting strips, regardless of who put the material there. 

Instances of accumulation of junk and garbage on private property is normally a code violation that would be addressed by your local government.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Japanese Friendship Garden

The City of Phoenix owns and maintains Ro Ho En. Through a unique partnership, the Japanese Friendship Garden, Inc., a 501-3C non profit organization, operates the garden during its open hours. JFG, Inc. also handles membership sales and all garden rentals, details of which are available in the link  below. Details are available on the Japanese Friendship Garden, Inc.'s website.

The Japanese Friendship Garden - Ro Ho En features more than 1,500 tons of handpicked rock, more than 50 varieties of plants, flowing streams, a 12-foot waterfall and a Koi pond. The Garden is the product and shared cultural vision of the Sister Cities of Phoenix and Himeji, Japan.

Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix, named Ro Ho En is an authentic 3 1/2 acre Japanese Stroll Garden with tea garden and tea house. This tranquil and beautiful setting features more than 1,500 tons of hand picked rock, stone footbridges, lanterns and more than 50 varieties of plants. As you stroll the path, you will enjoy flowing streams, a 12-foot waterfall, and a Koi pond with over 300 colorful Koi fish.

One of the main attractions at the Japanese Friendship Garden is the Japanese Tea House.  More than 50 varieties of plants including two varieties of bamboo.  3.5 total acres with a 5/8 acre Koi pond.

Designers chose plant species that can withstand the rigors of a desert environment. 1,500 tons of rock handpicked from quarries near Jerome, Superior, Congress and Florence line the stream beds, walking paths, lake shore and main lake waterfall.

Landscape architects from Himeji, Japan made 60 trips to Phoenix and City of Phoenix delegations made five trips to Himeji since 1987. Overall, more than 50 architects from Himeji contributed to the project.

The Name - Ro Ho En

The name – Ro Ho En is a combination of three Japanese words. Ro means Heron, a bird symbol of Himeji City. Shira Sagi Jou, or the White Heron, is a 300-year-old medieval castle in Himeji. Ho is the Japanese word for the city of mythical Phoenix bird. En means garden.

Location: 1125 N. 3rd Ave. Phoenix, AZ  602-256-3204

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday  10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Till 4 p.m. Weekends

Website:  http://www.japanesefriendshipgarden.org/

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Do I Really Need Insurance?

Why do I need insurance?  You buy insurance to transfer the risk of loss to the insurance company and thereby reduce your financial hardship when you suffer the loss.  As with most things in life it is not about “if” events will happen, but rather “when” they will happen.

Most of the time the purchase of insurance is entirely voluntary.  However, in some cases the purchase of insurance is required by law or regulations.  If you drive a car, in most states, a minimum value insurance policy is required.  Businesses are required to carry certain types of insurance to help protect workers and customers.

Arizona law requires that all motor vehicle owners maintain some type of motor vehicle liability insurance coverage. Unfortunately, each year thousands of Arizona citizens are involved in automobile accidents with drivers who have not maintained the required automobile insurance. This results in unpaid damage claims and higher insurance premium rates for all Arizonans.

When you purchase a vehicle and you use some type of financing the lender requires you to carry comprehensive and collision insurance.  You may want to consider GAP coverage as well.  Gap insurance covers the difference between what you owe on your car and what your car insurance company is willing to pay for it — without any maximum payout stipulation. If you financed a new car, chances are this gap will linger for a couple of years, leaving you responsible for the difference in the event of a total loss. Eventually the difference in these totals will vanish, but in the meantime, gap coverage protects you from having to pay out-of-pocket for that difference.

What type of insurance and how much insurance you need is best discussed with a trusted insurance agent. 

You probably wouldn’t even consider not having homeowner's or auto insurance, but you might not know what kind of insurance you need. Insurance is there to help you if you can't afford to pay out of your pocket to set right something that has gone wrong, like a car accident, a tree in your yard falling on a neighbor's house, the medical costs of a serious illness, or the death of your spouse.

Assess your life and your needs and think about what you need to protect. You may want to consider an insurance review.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your life, home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, April 15, 2013

Welcome to Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

Your business plan is perfect. Your marketing strategies are cutting-edge. And your company is making profits

But do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies? Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Working with us

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our corporate culture

    Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.
    Promote a sales culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.
    Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.
    Offer technology to meet member needs.
    Expand existing relationships and attract new members.
    Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.
    Attract, develop and retain quality employees.
    Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, April 12, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Are You Covered?

Well, are you?  Do you have all the insurance coverage you need?  The right insurance coverage?  The most cost-effective insurance coverage for your family or business situation?  Is it the best insurance coverage for you and your family?  Well, is it?

Okay, are those really fair questions to ask the average person about the insurance coverage that they need.  Do you think a web site is the right place to get those answers.  Does a big name insurance company that you see advertising on television care about truly meeting your needs or just making the sale.

In my humble opinion an Independent Insurance broker is the right place to start getting all of those very complex questions and answers to match. The independent agents purpose and goal is build an insurance package that will fit the true needs of your family in today’s complex and ever changing society.

After an accident, illness or unexpected event is not the time to find out that you weren’t covered or were poorly covered.  You don’t want to be gambling with your families’ financial future for lack of the proper information.  Many people wait until after they experience a loss to understand their coverage. Unfortunately, these decisions cannot be undone and they will directly affect your ability to recover from a loss. Review your existing insurance coverage and figure out where your "gaps" are.

There are many things in life you cannot control, but you can control your ability to recover from unforeseen events by having adequate insurance coverage.

No one ever knows for sure when a storm or other peril will strike. There are several steps you can take to ensure that you will be fully compensated for your loss as well as make the insurance claim filing process easier and faster after a disaster.

Meet with your insurance agent annually or as needed to ensure your insurance coverage is adequate to protect you and your family against loss. Take into account any recent changes or additions to your property or surrounding area.

If you don’t currently have an insurance agent working for you, consider your needs for insurance products for your home or business and contact Bennett Insurance Group. It is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium

Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium is a 95-acre zoo and aquarium in Litchfield Park, near Phoenix. The zoo specializes in African animals and has a 0.6 mile train. Since 2008, it also has an aquarium with a total tank volume of 180,000 US gallons.

The Zoo boasts Arizona's largest collection of exotic animals. Most of them are from Africa. Actually, you'll find very few Arizona species at Wildlife World Zoo and Aquarium. What you will find is wild cats, monkeys, lots of exotic birds and more, in an open natural environment. 

It is an easy zoo to navigate; you can't really get lost. Take the map provided at the entrance, start in one direction or another, and you can methodically work your way around the park. Or throw the map away, and run back and forth! 

Many of the animals here are in spacious habitats, especially the large animals, like tigers, lions, antelope and zebras. Some of the monkey habitats are islands in the lakes.

One of the highlights at Wildlife World Zoo is definitely the giraffe feeding platform. Climb up the stairs, purchase some approved feed, and those giraffes will be eating right out of your hands. 

Another popular attraction at the zoo is the Wildlife Encounter Show. Birds play a major role at Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium, and there are many large and colorful birds to see. Bird feedings are popular attractions here. 
Several times per day people will gather in the Wildlife World Zoo amphitheater to see handlers work with birds, animals, and reptiles. There's lots of participation from the crowd

The Safari Train Ride at Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium will take you on a narrated ride through the African wildlife habitats. If you'd rather see the park from the air, the Sky Ride will be your choice. Both are about 15 minute rides. In addition to the train and sky rides, there's a carousel, an Australian boat ride and a log flume ride (you'll get wet!). All rides have a charge in addition to the admission fee.

Arizona's first real aquarium opened in December 2008 and has proven to be a welcome attraction to the Phoenix area. There are three separate aquarium buildings: The Diversity of Life in Water, The Wild and The Wonderful, and Predators. The aquarium includes nearly 150 aquatic and semi-aquatic species, including the famous White Alligator.

Location: 16501 W. Northern Ave, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 
website: http://www.wildlifeworld.com

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Insurance Vocabulary Part Five

We are on to part five of our insurance terms education. These terms are commonly used. Understanding their definitions can help you understand your insurance options.

Profit - A measure of the competence and ability of management to provide viable insurance products at competitive prices and maintain a financially strong company for both policyholders and stockholders.

Renewal - The automatic re-establishment of in-force status effected by the payment of another premium.

Risk Management - Management of the pure risks to which a company might be subject. It involves analyzing all exposures to the possibility of loss and determining how to handle these exposures through practices such as avoiding the risk, retaining the risk, reducing the risk, or transferring the risk, usually by insurance.

State of Domicile - The state in which the company is incorporated or chartered. The company also is licensed (admitted) under the state's insurance statutes for those lines of business for which it qualifies.

Total Loss - A loss of sufficient size that it can be said no value is left. The complete destruction of the property. The term also is used to mean a loss requiring the maximum amount a policy will pay.

Underwriter - The individual trained in evaluating risks and determining rates and coverages for them. Also, an insurer.

Underwriting - The process of selecting risks for insurance and classifying them according to their degrees of insurability so that the appropriate rates may be assigned. The process also includes rejection of those risks that do not qualify.

Usual, Customary and Reasonable Fees - An amount customarily charged for or covered for similar services and supplies which are medically necessary, recommended by a doctor or required for treatment.

Variable Universal Life Insurance - A combination of the features of variable life insurance and universal life insurance under the same contract. Benefits are variable based on the value of underlying equity investments, and premiums and benefits are adjustable at the option of the policyholder.

Whole Life Insurance - Life insurance which might be kept in force for a person's whole life and which pays a benefit upon the person's death, whenever that might be.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, April 8, 2013

Products That Can Help Fund Children’s College Education

It's a common hope for parents to see their child complete some degree of higher education. A university or college education has been shown to have a significant impact on employment and earnings throughout a graduate's life.

The cost of education is increasing rapidly and there is pressure to recover more of this cost from students. It is safe to assume that you will have to carry significant costs for your child's education.

Coming up with a minimum of US $50,000 over three or four years is a challenge for most households, and with more than one child enrolled you can expect an even greater burden. There are three possible ways to close the gap: borrow the funds when your child is ready to go to school, pay for their schooling out of your cash-flow at the time, or begin saving and investing to create an education fund for each child. The third option is by far the most prudent, and the sooner you start, the sooner you will get there.

The financial help available to students varies by institution and country. While these sources of help can make a difference, they cannot be relied on to cover the entire cost. Below are some of these sources.

Long-term student loans that mature after graduation must be paid back within a defined period. These loans can leave a debt burden for years.

Short-term student loans can help bridge the gap until funds from another source become available.

Grants may be available for students who achieve high academic standing.

Meal subsidies are available in some cases to students unable to cover the cost of food on campus.

As little as $125 each month, invested prudently for your child's first 18 years, can add up to a fund of $50,000 by the time the child is ready to enter college or university at age 18.

The longer you wait, however, the more you have to invest to make up for lost time. Let Bennett Insurance Group help you understand your Insurance options.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Friday, April 5, 2013

Insurance Needs and Your Business

Do you have a contingency plan to take care of unplanned events or emergencies. Is your business risk-proof?

No matter how big or small your business is, it faces risks that could lower profit margins and eventually force you to close your doors - often without much notice.

Being true business professionals, we understand how serious these risks can be. We also realize that every dollar spent counts in business. That's why we have created customized business insurance plans to protect your business from unforeseen and unexpected events.

As your Insurance agent, I believe there’s more to insurance than the policy itself. It’s about providing dependable protection and service. That’s why earning your trust is my policy.

Bennett Insurance Group, Inc. has been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and takes tremendous pride in serving you to the very best of his abilities.

Ask our sales team and you will get to know why it's pure fun to work with us.

We are a diversified group of people, past pioneers, and present day visionaries,  all moving towards our goal of providing peace of mind through insurance solutions. With a relaxed workplace culture, flexible benefit programs tailored to individual employees, ongoing training and professional development and a keen focus on internal communications, we expect to grow together with our trusted partner - you.

Our Corporate Culture

• Be accessible, professional and friendly as we strive for service excellence.

• Promote a culture with a broad range of products to meet member needs.

• Offer innovative products and be responsive to the marketplace with superior product delivery.

• Offer technology to meet member needs.

• Build member loyalty, advocacy and insistence.

• Be community-involved and recognized as a good corporate citizen.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Restaurant Liability Insurance

Today’s food service environment is more complex than ever and you want to know you’re covered for the unexpected occurrence.

Whether you run a small cafe or a national chain, you could be held liable for anything from contaminated or spoiled food to spilled coffee. That’s why you deserve an insurance company with commercial restaurant insurance coverage specifically designed for the risks you face.

Eligible classes include, but are not limited to:

• Fine Dining
• Casual Dining
• Catering
• Fast Food
• Food Trucks
• Ethnic Cuisine
• Delicatessen
• Coffee Shop
• Micro Brewery

• Workmans Compensation

At Bennett Insurance Group we know how hard you work to make your food related businesses a success and the pride of your neighborhood, city or even the country.  But how much time to do you have to think about and understand your insurance needs?

That’s why you need a strong and knowledge insurance broker on your side.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Desert Botanical Garden

The Desert Botanical Garden with more than 145 acres has one of the world’s finest collections of desert plants. It is one of only 44 botanical gardens accredited by the American Association of Museums. At the Desert Botanical Garden you will find 50 acres of beautiful outdoor exhibits. Home to 139 rare, threatened and endangered plant species from around the world, there is no finer place to enjoy desert beauty than the Desert Botanical Garden. The Garden is located in Papago Park in Central Phoenix.

For more than 70 years, the Desert Botanical Garden has been teaching and inspiring visitors from the local community and around the world, providing research, exhibits and more designed to help us understand, protect and preserve the desert’s natural beauty. Today, the Garden features:

Back in the 1930s, a small group of passionate local citizens saw the need to conserve our beautiful desert environment. One was Swedish botanist Gustaf Starck, who found like-minded residents by posting a sign, “Save the desert,” with an arrow pointing to his home. In 1936, they formed the Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society (ACNFS) to sponsor a botanical garden to encourage an understanding, appreciation and promotion of the uniqueness of the world’s deserts, particularly our Sonoran Desert.

Then Gertrude Webster, whose home was located in nearby Arcadia, joined the Society. She offered her encouragement, connections and financial support to establish the botanical garden in Papago Park.

The Garden’s commitment to the community is to advance excellence in education, research, exhibition and conservation of desert plants of the world with emphasis on the Southwestern United States. We will ensure that the Garden is always a compelling attraction that brings to life the many wonders of the desert.

Location: 1201 N. Galvin Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85008  480 481.8188

Hours: Daily 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Website:  www.dbg.org  •  gardenshop@dbg.org

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Insurance Vocabulary Part Four

We are on to part four of our insurance terms education. These terms are commonly used. Understanding their definitions can help you understand your insurance options.

Investment Income - The return received by insurers from their investment portfolios including interest, dividends and realized capital gains on stocks. It doesn't include the value of any stocks or bonds that the company currently owns.

Liability Insurance - Insurance that pays and renders service on behalf of an insured for loss arising out of his responsibility, due to negligence, to others imposed by law or assumed by contract.

Licensed - Indicates the company is incorporated (or chartered) in another state but is a licensed (admitted) insurer for this state to write specific lines of business for which it qualifies.

Mutual Insurance Companies - Companies with no capital stock, and owned by policyholders. The earnings of the company--over and above the payments of the losses, operating expenses and reserves--are the property of the policyholders. There are two types of mutual insurance companies. A nonassessable mutual charges a fixed premium and the policyholders cannot be assessed further. Legal reserves and surplus are maintained to provide payment of all claims. Assessable mutuals are companies that charge an initial fixed premium and, if that isn't sufficient, might assess policyholders to meet losses in excess of the premiums that have been charged.

Noncancellable - Contract terms, including costs that can never be changed.

Out-of-Pocket Limit - A predetermined amount of money that an individual must pay before insurance will pay 100% for an individual's health-care expenses.

Pre-Existing Condition - A coverage limitation included in many health policies which states that certain physical or mental conditions, either previously diagnosed or which would normally be expected to require treatment prior to issue, will not be covered under the new policy for a specified period of time.

Premium - The price of insurance protection for a specified risk for a specified period of time.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

Monday, April 1, 2013

Incidental Occupancy Endorsement

Do you operate a home business?

Many people do. Almost 3 out of 10 people engage in some sort of home business, with activities ranging from sales and services to manufacturing and farming. Some homeowners sell Christmas crafts, firewood, farm products, pets, antiques, beauty products, cleaning products and subscriptions, while still others teach piano, provide day care, counsel patients, repair bicycles, service computers, groom dogs, and sharpen knives.

Homeowners have even been known to have kilns and machine shops in their garages!

If you work from home even part time, you need to add an endorsement to your homeowners or renters insurance called "incidental occupancy endorsement." 

In some cases this is also required by your HOA or even as a requirement for local government regulations.

Homeowners policies, besides covering your building and contents, also cover personal liability, including liability for guests injured on your home premises. But they do not cover injuries to those who come onto your premises for business purposes. 

Many companies offer an “In-Home Business Endorsement”. This endorsement will go a long way toward filling the gaps in your coverage. If your company doesn't offer this endorsement, other endorsements may be able to be added to your homeowners policy. But keep in mind that not all companies offer all of these endorsements.

That includes not only businesses that have regular visitors to the home -- such as yoga instructors, piano teachers or day care providers -- it also includes injuries to the occasional visitor, such as a co-worker or delivery driver who's dropping off some work from the office and falls on your icy driveway in the winter and gets injured. No coverage. How much does it cost to add this nifty endorsement? In most cases less than you would spend on a night out. 

For that small price, it's silly not to have one.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group