Monday, March 18, 2013

Home Owners Insurance For City Style Ranch Properties

In many areas of the country and especially the Maricopa County area you have what many refer to as ranch lot or ranchettes.  These properties usually include a much larger lot, from a third to a full acre in size.  In some of the areas they include the privilege to raise different types of farm animals.

These animal can include horses, cows, sheep, donkeys, fowl and whatever else the zoning ordinances allow.

These animals can present a challenge to finding an affordable and comprehensive insurance package.

Some normal home owners insurance policies limit the size of the dog you can own, let alone a horse as a pet.  Not only is it common to find insurers who won't write a policy for those who keep horses on the property, but some breeds of dog can have potential insurers running for cover. It's customary to have horse owners boarding their own at home to have personal liability coverage, in case the horse injures someone or gets out and damages property or causes an accident.

You want to be careful that you aren’t looking at a policy that is really intended to cover a larger working ranch with all of the liability exposures that that entails.  Your coverage needs to be greater than a normal homeowners policy but doesn’t need to cover the south forty or the bottomland.

The size of a ranch anywhere is dependent on what is being raised on that ranch. Cattle ranches are larger than say a place where chickens are raised.  You can think of your ranchette in the same way.  How much acreage and what you are raising on that land will determine the cost of your insurance coverage.

Just because the county and city zoning laws say you can raise a cow you might not be able to afford the insurance coverage for three or four Texas Longhorn steers or bulls.  

Even the type and size of animal enclosures can affect the cost of your coverage.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group, Inc.

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