Monday, February 25, 2013

Lifestyle Affects Home Owners Insurance Costs

As a home owner you have a vested interest in what you pay for your home Owners Insurance.  You know that the location and the value of your home are major factors in what you pay for your Home Owners Insurance.

Many home owners don’t consider that their lifestyle can have a major affect on the final dollar figure they pay for insurance.  Things that you may never consider can affect how much you will pay for your insurance.

Do you have a security system? Is it monitored?  What services are featured?

Do you have an attached garage?

Do you have a trampoline? How large is it? What safety features does it have? Where is it?

Do you have a fireplace?  Wood burning?  Gas fired?

Do you have a pool?  Is it fenced?

What type of pets or livestock do you have?

What type of fire department protects your property?

What types of sidewalks do you have?

Do you have snow and ice accumulations during the winter?

Do you have special tools, valuables or other items that need to be covered?

How much contents coverage do you need?

Does your property qualify for flood insurance?

Have you made changes or additions to your property?

How mature and what type of trees does your property have?

Are you using combined insurance products from the same company?

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business remember contacting Bennett Insurance Group is the right move.  Give us a call at 623-979-4140

Presented By:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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