Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Phoenix Central Library

In this day and age of computers, satellite TV and smart phones many people overlook the old fashioned library as a source of information, entertainment and research.  A modern library can put other sources to shame when it comes to the information age.

Phoenix Public Library is yours to explore!

Between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, more than 4.6 million people visited Burton Barr Central Library and 16 branch locations.  

They checked out more than 14.4 million books, DVDs and CDs.  

The Library's website received more than 27.5 million hits.

In November of 1897 fourteen women organize the Friday Club to start a public library.  On June 21st, 1898 the Friday Club opens the first Phoenix Public Library in the Fleming Building at Washington and First Avenue. After that the library moved several times and many branches were opened.  On December 16th, 1973 the new Burton Barr Century Library at 1740 East Highland Avenue is dedicated.

More than fourteen other branches have been opened or renovated since the new central library became the focal point of the Phoenix Library system.

Recently the library has started a new program with Project NOOK.  It is a pilot program to provide NOOK e-readers to Phoenix Public Library customers.  NOOKs may be borrowed for 21 days and may not be renewed.  Overdue fees apply.  The device must be returned to the service desk of the library from which it was borrowed.  NOOKs that are not returned will be deactivated.  Customers will be billed for damage, loss or non return of the NOOK and/or peripherals, including easel cover and power kit (power adaptor and USB cable).

Phone: (602) 262-4636


When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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