Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Car Insurance Cost Factors

While it’s true that drivers can help minimize their auto insurance premiums by comparing rates from various carriers, maximizing deductibles and qualifying for applicable discounts, the biggest long-term savings can come from buying a vehicle that’s inherently cheaper to insure in the first place.

That’s especially true since auto insurance rates are otherwise largely based on invariables like a person’s gender, their age, driving record and their locations inherent risk ratings.

According to an extensive survey of more than 750 car models and six major carriers conducted for Insure.com, crossover SUVS dominate the rankings of least expensive vehicles to insure for 2013, with the Ford Edge at the top of the list with an average annual premium of $1,148.

Of course, costlier cars are always more expensive to insure. Their overall replacement values are greater and their repair costs tend to be more expensive than other types of vehicles. Beyond that, insurance companies look at past claims histories to determine which models incur more or less damage in a crash, are more or less damaging to other vehicles, people and property, are more or less likely to be stolen or be involved in a crash and have higher or lower bodily injury claims. 

By that measure, high-performance cars tend to be costly to insure because they tend to be driven more aggressively and are, in turn, involved in a proportionately higher percentage of accidents than more sedate sedans and SUVs.

You’ll pay higher rates if there’s multiple tickets and or accidents on your driving record, you live in a big city, and or drive an excessive hours per day or number of miles per year, among other factors; if you have a DUI on your record or are considered a poor credit risk you may not be able to obtain auto insurance from a standard insurance carrier.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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