Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bennett Insurance Group Presents: Arizona Doll & Toy Museum

This small museum is located in the historic Stevens House on Heritage Square in downtown Phoenix. The miniature classroom peopled by doll students is a favorite exhibit. With dolls dating from the 19th century, this is a definite must for doll collectors.

The Stevens House was built in 1901 by Constance Stevens, a widow and clerk in the local retail business known as the “New York Store.” This one-story red brick house was typical of the Midwestern influence and replaced the sun-dried adobe brick that had been used earlier. Of architectural interest is its unique roof system, an irregular belled hipped roof and double pyramidal roof over a projecting bay that raised the entire roof above the attic level 16 inches to allow space for air circulation.

The Arizona Doll & Toy Museum occupies the Stevens Bungalow. It is filled with a wide variety of dolls and toys from yesterday as well as contemporary playthings and furnished doll houses. One room has been refurbished to reflect a turn of the century one room school house complete with antique dolls as “students.” The museum has a gift shop stocked with unusual items for children and adults.

Location:  602 East Adams Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004 (602) 253-9337
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00am-4:00pm. Sunday: Noon-4:00 pm.
Admission:  Adults $5.00 Children 12 and under $2.00

When considering your need for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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