Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Insurance Brokers Save Time and Money

An insurance agent represents a single insurance company. An insurance broker represents you, and is in contact with many insurance companies and their agents. A broker can shop around for you, help you compare quotes and will work on your behalf to find the coverage you need at the lowest price. A broker can also help you put together a customized policy that may not be available through an agent. A broker is also familiar with the benefits and restrictions of various insurance companies.

Most importantly, an insurance broker can cover more than one type of insurance for you at any one time.  He can help you with your car insurance, home, health and business insurance.  Working for you and your specialized needs an insurance broker can match you with the right insurance product or products.

Insurance brokers have a wide contact list of various providers, so they can efficiently contact each insurance company to see if they can give you the insurance coverage you're looking for.

Saves You Time
When you give your information to an insurance broker, the broker submits it to all the different insurance providers with which he or she has contacts. By "applying" once to the broker, you've essentially applied to every insurance provider on file. What's more, the broker can sift through rates to find the insurance that is as close as possible to whatever you specify. A single application to an insurance broker saves you the time you would otherwise use applying to multiple providers.

Maximizes Comparability
Most people can probably list a few insurance providers off the top of their head, based on popular commercials and word of mouth. Insurance brokers have much more than "a few" providers on file, and can go through all of them to make sure you're getting the best rates for your desired coverage. Where you might miss the one provider that would have given you the greatest deal, the job of an insurance broker is to make sure that provider isn't skipped.

When considering your needs for insurance products for your home or business consider contacting Bennett Insurance Group at 623-979-4140

Brought to you by:
Jim Bennett
Bennett Insurance Group

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