Wednesday, August 15, 2012

After The Storm Is Not The Time To Find Out What Is Not Covered

After your property is damaged in a storm is not the time to find out what is not covered.  Take time to go over your home owners coverage before the storm.  Call and speak with your insurance agent or broker to find out about your coverage, policy limits and limitations in what is covered.

Your agent or broker should welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your home owners policy.  If something has changed you want to have a review.

Coverage is a complex issue and you really need a professional to help you understand your coverage and its limitations.

A typical homeowners policy and most property policies include coverage for windstorm damage to your home, other structures, and personal property subject to your deductible.

If a windstorm blows down your tree and it lands on your neighbors car you are not covered. This issue is among the most misunderstood by the average person. Although you may feel bad for your neighbor and even feel somehow responsible, under “Tort” or “Common” law, the finding of legal liability requires that you be found “negligent”. A windstorm is considered an “Act of God”, a legal term for natural events outside of human control for which no one can be held responsible. This well established common law is why a claim of this type is almost always denied for liability.  Your neighbor should be covered by his own policies.

If that same tree lands in your yard and does no damage to anything, then its removal is not normally covered by your insurance. Your homeowners policy is primarily concerned with insuring real and personal property – your home, other structures, and personal property. Any coverage afforded to “trees” is incidental to the policy.  In some cases you can purchase additional coverage that will include tree removal.

If your roof is damaged you are covered for the initial damage.  You must take measures to protect your property from any damage that occurs (more rain for example) after the first storm.  Some policies will even cover what are termed emergency repairs (roofs, windows, doors and electrical).  This allows the homeowner to hire help following the first storm.

If you have questions about your homeowners policy give Bennett Insurance Group a call at 623-979-4140 and lets us help put your mind at rest, even if we didn’t write your policy.

Presented By:
Bennett Insurance Group

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