Monday, July 30, 2012

National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day

Did you know there is a planned National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day on August 1st?  It is the plan of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, a conservative Republican anchor on Fox News, who is known for reinforcing Christian fundamentalist values.

Huckabee put out the call for the event in response to a backlash from same-sex marriage advocates against Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, who reaffirmed his belief in the “biblical” definition of marriage during a two separate media interviews in the past month. Cathy told the Baptist Press he was “guilty as charged” of supporting traditional marriage and denouncing gay marriage.

Social media has been awash with passionate reactions of anyone with a dog in the fight: Christians, gay marriage advocates, chicken sandwich lovers, animal rights activists. Very creative 140-character arguments are going on in Twitter and longer ones on Facebook.

To find a Chick-fil-A restaurant near you you can go the their restaurant locator at their web site at the following URL

On August 1st you can cast your vote and support of Chick-fil-A by making sure you make your purchases to support them as a company that supports the fundamental Christian values.

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